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An overused word that cannot be said in an American accent without sounding gay or at least very feminine - although that is the case with most words

American dude pronouncing "awkward": A perfect example of why British and Australian people think American men sound like fags

by zldevvo June 19, 2012

61👍 42👎

American accent

The collective term for all the different American accents, ALL of which generally sound very effeminate/gay compared to accents from other English-speaking countries such as Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Scotland (and most Southern English accents).

Contrary to the general American view of their variety of accents, the rest of the world sees the Southern States accents as usually much less poofy/feminine than most other American accents, although rather annoying to listen to. American dialect is also characterized by faggy outdated words such as "limey".

A: Can you imitate an American accent?

B: Yeah, easy *puts on a gay voice*

by zldevvo June 7, 2012

57👍 74👎