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Whistle Shitting

The act of whistling while taking a shit. Usually used to calm ones-self after eating too much Chipotle. Can also be used to freak out man in stall next to you.

Man: *whistle* whistle* oh god damn it Chipotle! *SHART!* *whistle*.... ahhh much better!

Usher: God Damn! that's the best Whistle Shitting I've ever heard! Yo wanna contract?!

by zmez October 18, 2011

2👍 1👎


The awkward friend in a group. Most likely will say something so stupid you will not know what to do.

Manning: "What is this cat and mouse shit?!"
Everyone else" "... and he is cut off"

by zmez August 7, 2011

25👍 14👎