As in Romeo and Juliet; A huge emo cry-baby who only got laid once then died. Everyone hates him because he writes bad poetry under a yew tree. Everything he touches dies, see Juliet and Mercutio.
"Man that emo kid's poetry sucks!"
"What a Romeo."
62👍 59👎
State of extreme skankiness, sometimes accompanied by tranniness, in the case of everyone's favourite joke, Stacy (or is it Stephen?)Fergison.
That's a fergilicious shirt; you can totally see your nipples.
20👍 19👎
A ditzy lolita, who often falls "in love" and then gets married, just for the sex. Often fakes her own death to get "the sex", then due to a series of misunderstandings, actually does kill herself over lack of sex.
"You did him on the first date?"
"Sure, but we got married first."
"You're such a Juliet."
72👍 260👎
Really old guy with a whole crap-load of plays that he may or may not have actually written. Some of his stuff is good, some not so good, but all of it over-analysized by english teachers around the globe. Like all really old guys from the Renaissance, he kind of looks like blood hound that got thrown into a blender with a bunch of lace doilies.
What was Shakespeare thinking when he wrote "Romeo and Juliet"?
58👍 69👎