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A nice guy, I let him play with my daughter. My daughter has been acting weird and asking to go in his house?
It's fine since EDP445 likes cupcakes and is friendly :)

EDP445: Hello Child.
Child: Hi!
EDP445: wanna have cupcakes with me.. heh.

by zyro_sucks_cocky_wocky April 25, 2022

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a guy with a truck sized cock, he fucks many guys and is gay, he likes sex a little too much

Yooqi-Kun: I wanna suck Shu's cock!
Shu: fuck no u gay

by zyro_sucks_cocky_wocky April 25, 2022

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a guy who plays osu, sucks cock, wants hutao rule 34, everyone wants to fuck the statue of liberty cock they have

Shu: I wanna fuck Yao
Zyro: same

by zyro_sucks_cocky_wocky April 25, 2022


A guy who likes to be fucked and snuggled in sex, is usually a guy who likes a guy called zyro, they have a "sexy" relationship.

Wurz: I fucking hate YooqiKun!
Zyro: same

by zyro_sucks_cocky_wocky April 25, 2022


a german boy who fell inlove with USA culture, lives in texas Alabama and loves cutting off dick, he has the cock size of the Eiffel tower

YooqiKun: I want Wurz to cut off my penis
Zyro: same

by zyro_sucks_cocky_wocky April 25, 2022

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has a crush on yooqikun, she keeps defending yooqikun also she probably likes her own father I don't know

Albanese: wanna make out Lynjie?
YooqiKun: She's mine!

by zyro_sucks_cocky_wocky April 25, 2022


a bitch and a slut who gets cummed in, over used and gay. is actually a guy but never tells his clients

Zyro: suck my dick sia!
Sia: Okay master~

by zyro_sucks_cocky_wocky April 25, 2022

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