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yellow fever

A play on a tropical disease by the same name, it is a derogatory and contemptuous expression containing the words "yellow" (a derogatory, racist epithet) and "fever" (an excessive excitement or furor), used to describe non-Asians, usually white males, who date or marry Asians, usually Asian females and presumes some level of obsessiveness.

usage: As Asians typically make up a small portion of the general population, interracial relationships amongst asians have become increasingly common and have increasingly become the focus of racial intolerance. While at the same time tolerating or ignoring other relationship preferences, no matter how obsessive or demeaning (i.e. an excessive preference for tall men, muscular men, blonde women, large breasts), the expression focuses exclusively on asian/non-asian relationships and is often perpetuated by people with preconceived notions and/or single, resentful white women or single, resentful asian males.

Once illegal, miscegenation or race-mixing of any kind was often regarded as a sexual fetish or other sexual deviancy, and is now often considered the ultimate taboo amongst racial hate groups. Today, interracial relationships are accepted by most of the population and are legal in most parts of the word.

Guys with yellow fever only date Asian girls because they are all so submissive. After all, they are all flat chested, overly traditional, and only good at math.

What is that hot guy doing with that Asian girl. She is so much thinner than us and so youthful looking, I think all of these guys with yellow fever are closet pedophiles.

All of these guys with yellow fever are stealing our women.

by zyzxx August 20, 2013

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