Source Code

Area 51

A place we're going to raid on September 20th by Naruto running to dodge their bullets. We just need to get the day neck beards and the Kyle's in a line in the front. Give the Kyle's some monster energy and tell them that everyone in camo is their step dad an that the base is dry wall and we are in. We will also have our professional rock throwers throwing rocks at the soldiers so they won't shoot the Kyle's as much. We will also have the furries come too wearing bullet proof fur suits so they will be the target none the less. We'll also have all the Karen's go to annoy the soldiers. We will also have our Naruto runners go into the base and Shadow clone jutsu so than our Naruto runners number triples. And that will be our battle plan for the raid of Area 51 hope to see you there

Let's raid Area 51 to see dem aliens ๐Ÿ‘ฝ

by FlemBou August 2, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

area 51

Area 51. Where the moon landing was faked by the government

Random Guy: Hey lets, go to the moon.
Me: Its heavily guarded by military police, even if you get in theyll shoot you!

by eggmanpete April 15, 2005

86๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fort 51

the fort of the Bronx, who owns all in woodlawn and yonkers. Fort 51

Fort 51 kicks ass

by Fort 51 September 21, 2003

9๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


A group of mentally retarded children who think they are special for sitting in a GM's pocket.

What an idiot...must be part of the 51-50.

by Anyone Respectable July 15, 2004

102๐Ÿ‘ 158๐Ÿ‘Ž


when yo ass goes fuccin crazy an kills sombody

we got a 51-50 down on 1st street

by Fatal November 12, 2003

55๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž

Area 51

where a lot of memers will raid to free alien bois on september 20th 6am because we need some cool sci-fi shit the take home and use to our advantage of and also i want an anime gf just saying

person 1: okay remember to battle plan
everyone else: ye
p1: now the anitvax kids and karens will go and then the naruto runners. got that? nor for Area 51!
e: ye

by ratman_does_definitions August 16, 2019

Area 51


"Hey what's that over there?"
"That's area 51"
"Oh cool what's in there?"

by Why so complicated August 8, 2017