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Every Kel meme is canon.

An inside joke from the Omori fanbase. Kel is someone who is energetic and kind. It's easy to imagine him being anywhere doing anything. To the Omori fandom, putting Kel in your post automatically makes it canon to the game.

An inside joke from the Omori fanbase. Kel is someone who is energetic and kind. It's easy to imagine him being anywhere doing anything. To the Omori fandom, putting Kel in your post automatically makes it canon to the game.

Every Kel meme is canon.

by Kel is canon March 9, 2022

47👍 1👎

A golden yacht for every billionaire

A new economic policy proposed by the presidential hopeful M. Rommey. The presidential candidate and other proponents of this program argue that it will stimulate the economy via a “flush-down” effect, similar to the “trickle-down” effect that revolutionized the economic thinking during the Reagan administration.

The "A golden yacht for every billionaire" program is backed by economic research. A recent, double-blind study has revealed that billionaires are at least 15% more likely to spend time in their yachts if they are given additional yachts made out of solid gold. Because the plumbing of yachts is such that fecal waste is discharged directly into the water, providing golden yachts to billionaires will thuswise result in 15% more fecal waste from billionaires being available in the aquatic ecosystem. In this way, poor people may supplement their diets with partially digested corn kernels and discarded shrimp nubs that they may find at the water’s edge. The additional nutrients in the aquatic ecosystem are also expected to positively impact the fishing industry as billionaire feces is known to attract certain species of fish. As a result of the increased nutritive resources available, the average lower and middle class worker will have the energy to work three jobs instead of just two, resulting in additional tax revenue to fund the program and generally stimulating the economy.

by AluminumGreenspan September 9, 2012

Every prime day of the year

Every prime day of the year is National Girls Always Say Yes (sorry girls)

every prime day of the year

by AmNow December 3, 2020

Take off every zig

What one does upon discovering that all one's base belong to Cats. Often done for great justice.

Take off every zig
You know what you doing
Move zig
For great justice

by BCal November 19, 2003

615👍 101👎

Buggery Night (every night)

gay sex orgy

example of Buggery Night (every night):
Every night is buggery night.
Gay Sex Orgy.

by MemeSenYT January 3, 2020

all day every day

a common expression used to describe an action that occurs with a high degree of frequency.

Amanda: I just found my old Game Boy Color!
Julie: Oh, you're so gonna get hooked...
Amanda: I know. I just want to play Pokemon Red all day every day.

by Nessypie May 18, 2009

112👍 17👎

Every man and his dog

An idiom meaning 'extremely crowded' or 'A lot of people' . Mainly used in past or future tense to describe how busy a place will be and/or was.

John: Want to go to Walmart?
Fred: Nah, its Black Friday, Every man and his dog will be there.
John: True that

by PooChode January 14, 2016

25👍 2👎