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faux date

A date in which the guy pays for dinner and gets no ass.

Faux Dater: "I went on a faux date last night"
Friend: "How is your wallet?"
Faux Dater: "Empty"
Friend: "How is your nutsack?"
Faux Dater: "Full"

by Chadwyck April 17, 2008

17๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

cell faux

Pretending to be engaged in a cell phone call so as to avoid someone or something.

noun: A device that pretends to be a cell phone

verb: Pretending to use a cell phone that is not turned on.

She was so intent on avoiding her worst enemy in the same theater queue that she pretended to be chatting on her cell faux the entire time.

by Jonathan L. Kramer August 3, 2005

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Faux News

An entertainment network underwritten and owned by Rupert Murdoch carrying nonsensical news-based programs written to appeal to the far-right of American politics without being fettered to archaic values such as journalistic integrity, honesty or objectivity.

Last night, I saw a report on how the government is planning to enact laws to require all people to sell everything they have and donate the proceeds to help unemployed lazy people.

That sounds horrible! I work too hard for my money to have to help those basterds! Where can I see that report?

Check it out on the Faux News website. Just click on the Bill O'Really button.

by brainpinky April 19, 2011

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faux queer

Usually abbriviated to "Fo-Queer"

1.The act of playing up to homosexuality for personal gain or profit.

2.The act of implying homosexuality in order to attract attention.

Often practiced by boys bands and male pop singers.

See also: Fo-Queer,faux bisexual,faux fairy, Robbie Williams

Why I do say Smithers, that Whittby chap is playing a little faux queer with the Major wot wot?

by tit_tassle May 30, 2005

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A worker who pretends to work but is actually goofing off.

Farrah never actually works, she just appears to. Instead of my coworker, she's actually more of a faux-worker.

by Mister Pamuk March 12, 2014


Variation on po-po or police. A car that is similar to an unmarked poilce car yet is owned by a regular joe that wants to be a policeman or just wants to confuse others. Highly annoying when situated in the fast lane holding up traffic.

Susan: Hey! Slow down. There's a police officer up here.

Jim: No way, that's just faux-po.

by JimmyV May 18, 2007

faux tag

To honor, acknowledge, or ridicule someone on social media by tagging or check in somewhere they are not present.

We faux tagged a friend on Facebook at a brewery in Bend Oregon while on vacation when they were actually at home.

by Crabby and Rando September 12, 2013