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what the fizzy

slang for the elementary schoolers who are so cool but are too scared to say any bad word

often used by children in grades 3-5

if you use this ur so cool

1: i got 10 killz in fortnite last night brO
2: what the fizzy bro! youre insane!

by eggphobia November 20, 2021

Fizzy Bisto

Metaphor: Bodily excretion made through the fusion of feaces, water and gastric gasses. The combining catylist is usually a combination of South Indian chili garlic chicken and 8 pints of Guiness. Passing is usually accompanied by a splashy / machine gun rat a tat tat.

My arse is red raw man. I went for a shite and it was just fizzy bisto.

by Rouge February 28, 2005

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fizzy wizzy

a loud fart only heard by angry tree gnomes.

my fizzy wizzy caused angry tree gnomes to nuke my home

by Davey Croquet December 19, 2008

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Fizzy Glizzy

the act of taking a full bottle of Sperm that has been carbonated through a Soda Stream, injecting the carbonated Sperm into a man's testicles, and then releasing it on a person's face.

"Yo, I gave Eleanor the Fizzy Glizzy last night! it tingled as it came out!"
"Jake, wtf?"

by Cunsly September 8, 2022

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Orange Fizzy

one of the best god damn, mother fucking, funny ass web-comics... ok, its really not the "best" but its good. If you ever come across it i ask you give it a look see and enjoy your time there... and if not, fuck you too buddy, fuck you too

I went to orangefizzy.com and it was so good I came in my pants, twice!

by . December 27, 2005

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Fizzy Legs

Rather like pins and needles, or as known medically:paraesthesia Fizzy legs is a prickling sensation felt in the legs after sitting in the same position for long periods of time. However, unlike pins and needles, fizzy legs may cause the person to be so uncomfortable that they are unable to move their legs at all until the symptoms of fizzy legs have passed. It may also cause extreme pain if the leg is touched when an attack of fizzy legs occurs.

"I cant move at all, I've got fizzy legs"

by Jim Smythe March 1, 2013

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chocolate fizzy

milk, seltzer, and chocolate syrup all mixed together

mmmmmm the chocolate fizzy was amazing!

by itserin worrrd August 8, 2008

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