He is the sweetest boy. Lil shy and whole lotta amazing, he's very wise, but lil less expressive, he loves anime and will love Taylor swift the same way. Baby tiger loves to sleep on his lap, he's young, caring, lil of mischievous, his life happens fast like a metro. His hug is very soothing that only Tiger gets to feel. Also He loves me, i love him, he's the Yoshirin to my michi. He deserved to be born in Japan, but then god said, "no boy, your girlfriend is from india and long distance won't be okay, so adjust in this life puhhleaasseee".
Low-key he's mysterious, i hope he lets me have the password to him, because I love him unconditionally, he's my forever favourite.
He's a koalaty boyfriend. Forever an angel.
He's Pratham gupta, right? The guy from library ❤️
A secret human name for ChatGPT. It can also be spelled "Chatham Gupta."
I don't feel like doing this homework assignment, so I'm going to have my buddy, CHATham GuPTa, help me out with it.
wife of akshat gupta, very beautiful and charming (raatko chodne mai maza aata hai)
my wife is prahlad gupta
Enjoys looking like James Charles, and he is an expert at acting, especially as an assistant principal. Huge Selena Gomez fan, and he has the James Charles palatte. Goodbye sisters
Have you heard of Abhinav Gupta, yeah, biggest James Charles fan ever.
He is a cute person but he is into guys and he loves cakes and he loves to bounce he loves to get someone bj
He is hot rakshit Gupta will please him
an absolute legend, the conquerer
who's friends are a bunch of idiots (dumb people)
Someone who behaves like a legend and a silent thief. Name is widely used in South Africa.
John is smashing Ashley, he's a Gupta steeze.