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iceland black eye

a man takes their penis and slaps it across the girls face until the eye and penis are bruised.

the girl complained so i gave her a iceland black eye

by laqweesha January 7, 2007

25๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Icelandic Fire Drill

The Icelandic Fire Drill is when you fill your female partnerโ€™s anus and vagina with Icy Hot and then perform ass to vag back and forth until they are screaming in pain and are forced to run out of the house.

Debbie got the cops called on us last night. I pulled the oleโ€™ Icelandic Fire Drill on her and the neighbors thought we were fighting.

by FatHoudini March 8, 2022

Iceland Lezbo Sex

Two lesbians in Iceland going outside naked so their nipples become cold and as they enlarge they stick them up eachothers assholes followed by uncontrolled fudge packing.

I could see those two chicks having Iceland Lezbo Sex!

by tittyfuck69 April 22, 2009

43๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

Icelandic Rump Steak

When you surprise your lady by jamming your dong into her b hole while wearing a Viking helmet.

Gertrud didnโ€™t know what she was in for when I surprised her with the Icelandic Rump Steak last night.

by Captain Longsack April 2, 2021

Anunnaki Republic of Iceland

The Anunnaki Republic of Iceland is a fictional country that's basically a meme about the zuists, anunnakists and sumerian neopagans from Iceland in a secnario where they take power in Iceland and install an Anunnaki Republic in Iceland. In the memes, the Anunnaki Republic of Iceland is often portrayed as being a country with really low taxes or even with no taxes and with people living in high standards of living being almost closer to how Anunnas actually live, and even following the Anunnaki Model and Anunnaki Theocracy as its politics.

"The Anunnaki Republic of Iceland is a meme that went too far, but it might be good to make Anunnaki identity, culture, religion and spirituality become even more popular."

"The Anunnaki Republic of Iceland is a meme just as the Islamic Republic of Sweden is also a meme."

by Full Monteirism June 6, 2021

the icelandic dynamic duo

A variation of the common Shocker, in which the pinky finger is inserted into the anus while the ring and middle finger penetrate the vagina. The Icelandic Dynamic Duo is made unique by the fact the hand is first soaked in ice water.

"You'd be amazed at how fast you can wake a woman up by using the Icelandic Dynamic Duo."

by The Mighty Philgamesh August 4, 2008

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

icelandic skull mining

Skull Fucking a girl (or guy) in both eye sockets.

Never try icelandic skull mining, kids. It's very cruel to do to blind people.

by Thumpster February 7, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž