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A fucking brick coming from your fucking asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you expect POOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by sTeVaChU_dA_pIkAcHu July 3, 2019


A mushy brown substance that is also known as shit. Sometimes you eat it to get brainpower and get smarter. But some bury it in the ground and it fertilizes soil! You can mu=ix it with a bit of lemon juice and strawberries, and it tastes AMAZING. I recommend it 100000/100! Also, it is great for babies, for after they eat it, they will have a brain of an adult. It comes out of an ass and makes sure to mix it with a little urine to have a good taste. Add a cup of water if too salty. Enjoy! If you would like the real recipe, please search "911-NEEDPOOP!" on Urban Dctionary!

Make sure to have some poop before you go to bed!!

by madzeeys October 20, 2020


Once yummy food.

Human: I just ate some yummy food!

Human 1401: Not so yummy anymore ha

Human: I just ate some yummy food!

Human 1401: Not so yummy anymore ha

Poop gross stuff

by The_choosen_gamer January 24, 2021


A brown substance that comes out of your bowls after you have eaten.

That burrito made me take a humongous poop.

by Ramen Noodle January 23, 2015


a thick brown, gooey, and smelly substance that comes out of ur butt.

Oh my god Billy did you just poop! We need some air freshener now, god billy ;/

by bubby guppy April 17, 2017


Fecal matter.

I need to take a poop.

by Chipotle needs a drive thru August 14, 2016


Frycook for People Order Our Patties

(1)Yo Jerry, P.O.O.P right?

(1)Yea poop

by Press ctrl-w November 2, 2015