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quarantine bf

it’s not about finding a quarantine boyfriend, it’s about developing strong feelings via text that you won’t be able to verify in person until June. “ima flirt with as many people as i can during this quarantine. what y’all gonna do?? come see me? LMAO”

I need a quarantine bf, im bored.

by Laurtuc March 19, 2020

Quarantine attire

Black leggings not washed in four days with scgayed knees ,dirty white pit stained tank and camo hoodie

Girl what you wearing today...you know classic quarantine attire

by Martini1 May 12, 2020

Quarantine boyfriend

The guy that a girl leads on, via Snapchat or even text, during COVID-19 just to get attention. She usually has multiple at once just for her own entertainment. Will most definitely ghost him once it is over.

Jessica- “Quarantine boyfriend #7 is already talking about taking me out for dinner after the stay-at-home order ends”
Ashley- “Little does he know you’ll never speak to him once it does end.. LOL”

by htwilkins April 28, 2020

quarantine cat

cats that were adopted during quarantine

Everyone is getting quarantine cats while stuck at home. Some worry what will happen to these cats after quarantine.

by wofew August 24, 2020

Planetary Quarantine

The safeguarding of Earth and other worlds from biological cross-contamination (i.e. billionaires with too much time on their hands).

Also known as “planetary protection.” Planetary protection / quarantine “reflects both the unknown nature of the space environment and the desire of the scientific community to preserve the pristine nature of celestial bodies until they can be studied in detail.”

There are two types of interplanetary contamination. Forward contamination is the transfer of viable organisms from Earth to another celestial body. Back contamination is the transfer of extraterrestrial organisms, if such exist, back to the Earth's biosphere.

Billionaires are having a dick swinging space race while the earth experiences record breaking heatwaves that cause sea creatures to literally cook inside their shells. We need planetary quarantine.

by Sickomonster July 14, 2021

1035👍 636👎

weerkin' the quarantine

As a testament to the human condition, COVID quarantine has not suppressed demand for the best 'social talent' and 'professional companionship' available.

Here she comes... payin' for her steak and lobster dinner with $5's and $10's; weerkin' the quarantine, baby!

by YAWA April 15, 2020

9👍 2👎

Quarantine 19

The weight you gain due to inactivity and boredom eating while being quarantined due to the Coronavirus.
A play on Freshman 15.

Ross: You put on some weight, bro?
Jim: Yeah, I've gotta hit the gym to shed my Quarantine 19

by Arteth March 28, 2020