Reek: Noun - A overly cowardly man or woman
Reek: Verb - To engaged in an extreme cowardly action
• That hoe ass dude reeked out on his homeboys while they were getting jumped.
• He talks a lot of gangster shit on records, but I caught him without his gun and he reeked out and hauled ass when I came at him
* Instead of fighting his uncle in 1 on 1 combat to save his sister's life, Therion Greyjoy reeked out and jumped off the ship into the debris filled water.
when soem bitch just smells so bad it disgusts ur nose like when marco shits his dipey wipey
Reek - marco farted his undies
theon greyjoy
renamed 'reek' by ramsay bolton
reek becomes a better person, dw lol
he escapes with sansa stark and goes back to pyke to earn yara her crown !!
i love theon
theonsa supremacy
ramsay bolton: Reek...i told you to watch. you've known sansa since she was a girl. now watch her become a woman.
ramsay bolton: if you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention
The stench that one leaves behind after he or she fails to convince a small group or a large audience that they aren't required to wear a helmet on a regular basis outside of the skatepark and bike trails and that their parents weren't lovers and siblings.
Mary and Tony went to the store to pick up some cereal when they saw a man standing in front of the bananas and he was scratching his ass and making monkey sounds, "What was wrong with that man?" Mary questioned.
"I can't be certain but it seems to me as though this man had a certain odour to him, clearly he's a simple fuckface who chews on old tampons and desperately Reeks of retard."