Source Code

The Shadow

A phrase used to denote the presence of a second party female that is involved with a married man and resides in that man's home with his wife. "The Shadow" will `float' around behind, call excessively, and question constantly the married man, all in an attempt to gain his favor forever. "The Shadow is known to check your cell phone, screen your calls to home(even if they are from your boss),erase your voice messages so you don't get them, and frequently cops an attitude if your attention is NOT on her 24/7.

Me: Dad can you run me to the mall? I need to pick up new sneakers for your grandson.
My Dad: Hold on a sec, The Shadow is hanging about. You know I can't say shit when she is around.

by Desaundrea Morton-Pusey September 14, 2006

2πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A sexy member on RSB. He was raped by Gopher not long ago, but recovered and is now in the anti anti-pedophilism act against non-pedophiles. Shadow has an ambition to become the biggest freakshow on RSB, but failed because Inu's already there.

Shadow owns you all.

by Shadow|RSB May 27, 2008

2πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Shadow Windhawk

A shadow windhawk is when a girl queefs and you never know which shadowy hole it came from.

Omg I was going down on this girl and she totally killed the mood when I was shadow windhawked by her!

The stench that shadow windhawk made me puke in my mouth a little.

I was in the dorm room and my girl was trying to be quiet but she relaxed and the noisy racket from the shadow windhawk made us laugh and wake up my dorm mate.

by Scaryone August 14, 2019

In The Shadows of The Duchess

(noun): extortion tool disguised as book and used ad nauseam (2.5 yrs +) by Samantha Markle in her unsuccessful shakedown of her half sister, The Duchess of Sussex, and The Royal Family; con.

(verb): bluff uttered to deceive

(adj): imagined accomplishment used to gain attention.

You can’t scare me and make me give in to your demands, I don’t cower to the In The Shadows of The Duchess


If you don’t give me what I want I will embarrass you, don’t make me use In The Shadows of The Duchess, you will regret it.

I am an author with a quick wit, I wrote In The Shadows of The Duchess

by GrammyQ May 6, 2019

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Shadow Windhawk

Another meaning for getting screwed over or used in a relationship by someone you thought loved you.

Kind of like the meaning of a shadow windhawk as a shadowy hole, fart or vart. You never know what hole it came from you were blindsided by it or them.

I cant believe that asshole shadow windhawked me he cheated on me took everything Sara told her BFF.

That dude the has shadow windhawk so many girl they never see it coming till it's to late

I was shadow windhawked by the shadow windhawk, damn bro that shitty but happen to everyone eventually

by Scaryone August 21, 2019


Lesser sexy admin of PGN

Shadow isnt nearly as sexy as Zoddy

by Valdy December 10, 2004

3πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Shadow the Hedgehog

a bitch ass motherfucker, he pissed on my fucking wife. That's right, he took his hedgehog fucking quill-y dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife and he said his dick was "THIS BIG" and I said "That's disgusting." so I'm making a call-out post on my Twitter dot com. Shadow the Hedgehog, you got a small dick, it's the size of a walnut except way smaller.

Person 1: Did you hear what happened with Shadow the Hedgehog?
Person 2: Yeah, he pissed on Eggman's wife didn't he?

by egshgells June 6, 2019

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