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#shills. Top Definition. CTR. Correct The Record, an American political action committee (PAC) which supports Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race.

"CTR #SHILLS: HOW MUCH DOES SATAN PAY YOU HOURLY FOR YOUR TIME?" "CTR is hitting us hard today folks. Here's a rare Donald to cheer you up."

by Earl Rezloh February 13, 2018

cuck shill

Obsessively buying products regardless of quality because of a love for the overall brand.

1: "That last series was shit."
2: "I know, I'm still going to buy all the tie-in comics, though."
1. "You're a cuck shill, you know that."
2: "Oh, fuck off."

by LargerSlime March 20, 2023

squeezing a pound out of a shilling

A phrase used to describe a person who is beyond normal frugality or thriftiness. This person usually refuses to spend money on anything and is disgusted when they are forced to do so. Instead, they rather take any other option to avoid paying for anything.

She is so cheap and tight fisted. She is squeezing a pound out of a shilling”

by Hugh Wards June 23, 2020


Shilling is taking ones private parts and violently abusing them with whatever body part you feel fit.

No no no…you get over here and get the shilling you want and deserve.

by BigDaddyShnitzelMan(BDSM) July 26, 2021


The item in which Shilling Boy carries on a day to day basis. Shillings are a powerful piece of equipment that can anger the supervillain called Shilling Boy.

It is the only type of money that CAN buy you happiness as they can pay for absolutely anything.

“Hey my driller, how many shillings do you want”
10 shillings please!”

by BruceRahmanFANPAGE4 November 23, 2021

King's Shilling


Historical definition:

During the Napoleonic wars, due to the lack of able seamen, sailors were recruited (press-ganged) by being paid a sign up fee - 1 King's Shilling.

Reluctant conscripts would be approached by one or more 'recruiters' who would ply them with alcohol until they were totally drunk. They would then hit them over the head with a 'cudgel' and place a King's Shilling in the drunkard's pocket. The inebriate would then be carried on board where they were woken up and convinced that they had joined in good faith. Any argument against the join would be discredited by the discovery of the King's Shilling.

Modern Usage

Discreet gay proposition.

Historical Usage

"I don't know what happened! I was approached by two sailors who got me pissed. Next thing I know I woke up 'in the navy' having received a King's Shilling into my pocket!"

Modern Usage:

"Hello young man, will you let me pay you into the Navy with a King's Shilling?"


"I was only 21 when I received the King's Shilling!"


"I've been approached but am yet to accept the King's Shilling!"

by Tony du Angletere March 13, 2022

Dr.Phil Shill

(1) A guess who is most likely pretending a mental illness to get publicity and financial gain on the Dr. Phil show
(2) Catch me outside girl (Danielle Spicoli) Treasure,Pregnant Jesus Chick etc.

Treasure who says she's white and hate African Americans was proven to be a Dr.Phil Shill

by EmJayee November 10, 2018