Source Code

free software

A term much beloved of self-important programmers, who love to rant tiresomely about such things as modification and redistribution of software, oblivious to the fact that most of us couldn't care less whether our software is free as in free speech, free beer, free love, or freestyle snowboarding, as long as we don't have to pay for it.

I can download it and use it for free, of course it's free software!

by robin765 March 20, 2008

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software engineer

one who is an engineer of software and spends 20 percent of his/her day doing so the other 80 percent is looking up porn!

what did you do at work today bob? oh nothing just "booted my harddrive"

by Dr. Fatz February 2, 2004

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software engineering

The process of designing and developing a piece of binary code that does stuff like sharing MP3s, creating popups, sending out spams...

software engineering? It's more like software degenerating!

by Billy Gate January 23, 2004

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Software Design

a place where we bludge and play unreal tournament while the teahcers away. were so gonna fail.

Person1: So what do you do in Software design?
Person2; nothin' bludge and play unreal
Person1: your so gonna fail
Person2: i know :(

by ChampPunk December 4, 2007

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social software

all the various written "programs" ... especially those with clearly defined do's and don't's ... that people use to guide their lives, such as the Bible, etiquette books, penal codes, People Magazine, etc.

Reverend Gerald really hammers home in his sermons that the Bible is our primary piece of social software and that the 10 Commandments are all we really need.

by Sexy Simian November 29, 2010

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software engineering

This is the term used when people wishes to make millions. This is mainley carried out by software engineers to increses there pay packets.

You have spent thousands on developing a talor made system for your company it gets implemented and then you hear:
"Oh! The software is incompatible with your system!" they say with a fake look of horror on there face's
"We will have to carry out some software engineering on the program."

Can you hear the till ringing?

Congratulations! you have fallen for the latest reincarnation of the oldest trick in the book. get as much money as you can out of the suckers!

Take my advice do not fall for it. ask for clarification and if you are in the UK threten them with the Trades Descriptions Act - goods supplied unfit for purposes they were intended.

by joshua z s February 5, 2004

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software engineering

Boring shite that takes to long to do. and usually does nobody any good.

Have you seen the new windows?

Yeah. its total shite. like i expected it to be. mmmm smells like WinME to me

by Jobe October 10, 2003

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