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Arbitrary Statistics

Those statistics people make up on the spot to try and give their statement some credibility.

Jeffβ€”Yo, do you know how good my airsoft gun will be if I replace the trigger?
Ericβ€” Probably 50% or 60% more height on the shots with a new trigger.
(Eric uses arbitrary statistics to make himself look smarter in front of Jeff.)

by Jaronbill May 19, 2010

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

AP Statistics

A laughably easy class, most who take it are those too afraid to take calc so yeah, 90% of the class are math-impaired idiots. The purpose of stats is to be a joke class like apes. The tests are taken directly from the internet so enter in a few key words the night before and you already have the answer key. A very large majority of the class cheats on the tests which may be the reason for the incredibly high averages aside from its "difficulty". And plus, there's no homework. The only drawback is that the class does almost no preparation for the AP exam in May so unless you actually treat the class like a real one (which is totally unnecessary for the class itself) you're basically screwed.

Typical AP Statistics conversations:
Student A: OMG that test was so hard! How did you get a perfect score on it?
Student B: It's online...I typed in "chi-squared regression test" on google last night and I found the answer key..."
Student A: sh*t

Student C: I'm wondering if I should take stats instead of calc. How was the class? How did you do on it?
Student D: I got A's both semesters but I got a 2 on the exam...

by Asian Abomination December 31, 2013

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statistical analysis

it means penis a males genital.

my statistical analysis is so big it wont fit.

by gorbin March 21, 2007

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statistically significant other

A significant other whose status is not created by a agreed-upon relationship status but by how much time is spent with them. Could also be considered a behavioral significant other.

Combination of "statistically significant" and "significant other."

Since he spent twice as much time with Karen as with any of the other girls he was dating, his friends called Karen his statistically significant other.

by Brett Lider February 5, 2009

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Naysayer Bullshit Statistic

The law known as the "Naysayer Bullshit Statistic" means that at least 50% of people with a highly negative view of something are poorly informed about it, haven't tried it to its full potential or are just plain making stuff up to satisfy their bias opinion regardless of whether they know they're wrong or not.

Person who hasn't tried Stereo-3D: "3D is a fad"

Person with common sense: "You sir, fall into the Naysayer Bullshit Statistic"

by something2someone August 26, 2010

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

statistically significant others

enough ex-boyfriends/girlfriends to constitute a valid scientific study (more than 30).

You'd better stay away from Pamela; she's got statistically significant others.

by Robert Stephenson April 6, 2006

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intriguing statistical anomaly

A polite way of saying something is a flat out lie.

I just find it an intriguing statistical anomaly that out of the thousands of Canadians I've spoken to in the last half decade of living in Canada, that I have not heard a single one complain about the fact that their healthcare system is socialized (in fact the exact opposite)...Yet commonly Americans that oppose Obama's plan and live hundreds of miles from the boarder seem to know plenty for some reason.............

by Anandamide September 12, 2009

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