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Twilight Victim

A person, usually a teenage boy, who's social life, and possibly other aspects of his life have been destroyed by the movie "Twilight".

This has happened because the friends-that-are-girls of this man have become completely addicted to everything and anything that has to do with the movie "Twilight". These friends may wear articles of black or dark blue clothing that say completely stupid phrases like, "Your scent is like a drug to me", "I'd never given much thought to how I would die... But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go", or, "You are my life now". The Twilight Victim has no idea what significance these phrases have, and most Twilight Victims haven't even seen the movie. They learn to hate the parts of the movie that the girls mention most. The girls only mention certain parts to the Twilight Victim, the parts that the girl knows will piss off the guy the most.

The friends are also characterized by:

1) Comparing the way people look to Edward Cullen and Isabella Who-Gives-A-Shit

2) Threatening to "Cut you up and burn you", if you don't "Get in the sunlight and sparkle"

3) Getting mad at ME for wearing sexy sunglasses, then yelling at me that I need to take them off and give them back to Edward Cullen

4) Having an obsession with red apples

5) Dropping red apples on their foot and trying to make it pop back into their hand

6) For some reason, they like really old rusty beat-up red pickup trucks

7) Love cloudy/rainy days

8) Like to bite

9) Carrying around glitter to throw on guys

10) Have an Edward Cullen poster that, suspiciously, has make-up all over Edward's face

These friends basically ruin the Twilight Victim's (also known as Twictim) life because they never shut the fuck up about retarded things, like how gorgeous Edward Cullen is, even though he looks like a freak.

A Twictim also has many good defensive arguments as to why Twilight is bullshit. Some of these may include, but are not limited to:

1) Men don't sparkle

2) Apples don't bounce

3) Men don't sparkle

4) The only way to kill a vampire is to DRIVE A WOODEN STAKE THROUGH IT'S HEART!!

5) Men honestly don't sparkle. They just don't

6) Twilight has NO plotline. It is a series of events happening between two not-so-good looking people. And one of those people sucks blood

7) The entire Cullen family looks like they're made of wax. What is attractive about that?

8) My sunglasses are NOT Edward Cullen's

9) They don't fly. They jump/glide/float. Do you see them flapping their wings? No. Do you know why? Because they're not really vampires, and they don't have wings like vampires are supposed to have!!!

10) And finally, men DO NOT sparkle. No. Never will. Never. I'm sorry

Twictims sometimes lash out against these girls by writing things such as, "Edward Cullen sucks" and "Twilight sucks". Sometimes he may even go as far as destroying the girls handwritten fan fiction, which may consist of simply drawn naked pictures of Edward Cullen sitting on the girl's lap. It is enough to make anyone cry.


Twictimism is a horrible disease that ravages millions of innocent teenage boys every year. Whenever you see a Twilight DVD, break it. If you see a poster, burn it. Slap girls when they speak of Twilight. Twictimism is a curable disease, but we need your help.

My Twihard Friend: "Hey, what's up?"

Me(Twilight Victim): "Nothin' much. It's sunny out today."

Twihard: "I know...I hate it."

Me: "Yah, I'd hate it too if I was wearing a jet black shirt like that."

Twihard: "Well, that's not why I hate today. It's too sunny. It's not vampire weather. It's hardly ever sunny in Forks."

Me: "Forks? Where the hell is that!? And what does that shirt say...? 'Your scent is like a drug to me.' What's that supposed to mean?"

Twihard: "Exactly what it says."

Me: "You smell like a drug? Wait..." *sniffs the Twihard* "Gross! It SMELLS like you've been wearing that shirt for a month!"

Twihard: *sigh* "That's cus I have. I love this shirt."

Me: "Gross! I can't hang around with you anymore, I'm sorry. I just can't take this Twihard thing. Do you realize how stupid that movie is!?"

Twihard: "Yes, yes, you've explained it several times. But I don't care what you think. Twilight is the best thing to ever happen, you just haven't come to the light yet."

Me: "And I hope to God I never will. Anyways, bye. It was nice knowing you."

Twihard: "Hey, take off Edward's glasses!"

The Twictim in this situation has just lost one of his friends, thereby dropping a piece of his social life. This may continue, bit by bit, until his life has been ravaged by Twictimism

by Simian Infernus June 4, 2009

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fashion victim

the fashion police should arrest all such persons. they can be identified easily, all their clothing will have designer logos, they will be perfectly manicured, groomed and waxed and buffed. But instead of looking chic they will look "over the top" because they have no real taste or style. The mark of a true fashion victim is wearing every faddish trend that comes out.

Paris Hilton is a fashion victim, someone please arrest her.

by KatWoman January 8, 2005

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Fashion Victim

Fashion victims are victims because they are vulnerable to faddishness and materialism, two of the widely recognized excesses of fashion, and consequently are at the mercy of society's prejudices or of the commercial interest of the fashion industry, or of both. According to Versace, "When a woman alters her look too much from season to season, she becomes a fashion victim. Someone who changes too much through different seasons and not wearing what they like , just wearing what is the most fashionable thing at the moment.

Kevin hart can be a fashion victim sometimes but doesn't make him one for life

by princelog July 21, 2014

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candy victim

A person clearly overweight due to excesive over munching.

"Hey Jimmy, lets throw cheesies at that Candy Victim."

by Chad January 10, 2005

vagina victim

The man loses everything in a divorce.

He was the vagina victim when she left.

by Seismic Soldier September 25, 2019

victim blaming

Victim blaming is blaming the victim for a crime they didn't commit. Victim blaming is being blamed for somebody else's actions.

Think of victim blaming as when someone's raped, they (police, judge, counselor, whoever) always ask the victim what they were wearing, how they were wearing it, etc.

by laura.mgc March 7, 2016

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Session Victim

A term used to describe the physical and mental state a person finds themselves in after spending an overly extended period of time in Berlin's after hours party scene.

Should have seen the state of him getting on the plane back from Berlin. Session victim!

by michael_oleary November 26, 2010

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