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verb: (to be) to skip school without a valid reason and to be doing something else other than what you are supposed to be doing in school. This is also called truating in Great Britain

father: Peter, I have rotten eggs for you. Your school principal, Principal Skinner, just called and said you were bumble-stumbling at Cavendish Mall.

Peter: What the hell is it Principal Skinner's vegetable soup where i am during school hours, as long I get my homework done on time. And how in the devil's name did he find out anyways that I was at Cavendish Mall.

father: Roflmao. Walls have eyes and ears. Nah, Lol. he told me he used his spy-glass from his days in the US Navy; besides Cavendish Mall is right across the street from your high school, no?

by Sexydimma June 16, 2012

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bumble tits

the kind of tits that heavy or husky guys have.

"Yo, leave that shirt on man, we don't need to see those bumble tits bouncing around.

by brandon decker May 4, 2006

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Bumble wasp

Bumble wasp can often be mistaken for hunny wasps and hornyflys.
There insults sting but they're very nice

Oooh bumble wasp should be a hornyfly

by nina0donnell November 29, 2019

Bumble Rumble

Die hard Salt Lake Bees fans. They make soccer hooligans look like a cheer team. Thier sole purpose is the downfall of the Sacremento Rivercats.

SL BUMBLE RUMBLE : Minor league baseball - Major League hate.

Fuck the rivercats

living for Bumble dying for the Rumble

by bees801 July 8, 2010

Bumble Flick

When a person takes their finger and wipes their smelly "private" area or "taint", then proceeds to wipe it on another person's upper lip

I can't believe she just bumble flicked him!

by nulte November 24, 2010

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Bumble Bee

Bee uses people for her own satisfaction. Bee, is an unfunny, rude, toxic, lying skank who does not deserve the friends she has. She lies straight to her friend’s faces and she doesnt get any backlash for it.

She doesnt give two fucks about anyone.

She spreads false accusations about her ex bf’s and she falsely assuses them of rape when she raped her bfs.

She always talks shit about people and she never gets the consequences for her actions. She had caused multiple people to end their lives because she was harassing them.

She literally only dates guys for sex. It’s so gross. And she is a pedophile. She is 18 and her bf is 15. Nasty.

Wow, bee is such a bad person.

Wow, bumblebee is so mean.

Bumble Bee is the worst

by Noël’s #1 bitch September 3, 2023

Bumble Shit

Someone that is a complete Idoit and can't function as a human being

Garverick is being a bumble shit again by cutting our pay and spiffs!

by UNCballer88 December 21, 2014