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Physical mumbling. Bumping into objects, which include (but are not limited to): walls, doors, chairs, or cars. Often, one who is considered to be bumbling does not know what they are doing or where they are going.

A mumbling fool has trouble talking.
A bumbling fool has trouble walking.

by njimse November 7, 2006

49๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


a state of confusion a person enters when they come face to face with greatness; also occurs when meeting a celebrity.

Jadah walks into the Pub and sits at the bar.
Jadah says, "May I have a screwdriver?"
The bumbling bartender is noticibly shaken by her surreal beauty. And reaches under the bar then hands her a phillips head. "It's on the house."

by Jadah February 6, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Another term used to refer to someone who is "rolling" or "rushing" due to the person ingesting ecstasy.

Have you seen Han tonight? He is bumbling so hard bro!

by youwotmate February 15, 2013

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Buy Bumble&Bumble hair products. Endorsed by notorious bumblers George W. Bush, Chris Farley and Nate. Remember Tommy Boy? Just think of how much bumbling was in that. Our shampoo promises a 2:1 ratio of bumbling to cleansing, so that you can have immaculately clean hair AND fall on your face!!

You bumbling idiot! Punch yourself in the face!

by tate donovan July 12, 2004

6๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


a person who is clumsy, out of it, etc. but also manages to be adoreable.

Neville Longbottom is so bumbly--I just want to give him a hug!

by grlwholvd December 12, 2008

70๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


A wannabe high class Version of Tinder consisting of an unusually high percentage of "hot chicks". Which appears at first, satisfactory since the female must start conversation with the male (weeding out the guys at home who try to beat their friends "most masterbation in a day record"). Inevitably, it turns into another waste of time since there's about a 1/15 chance of ever meeting the girls. Girls which love to give out their numbers and text you pointless shit that you can hear from any high school hallway.

Bill: dude, how's that new bumble app?
Lance: Bill, I got like 5 numbers in a week and know 24 different girls favorite colors!
Bill: nice! You get any tail??
Lance: nah, ghosted buy 12, 6 ended up being Trannys and the other 6 just keep texting me but never wanna meet up

by Joe Balls April 18, 2016

142๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of swiping on Bumble

I have spent the whole night bumbling

by Lil Coconut September 3, 2020