the typical Canadian, word used by Americans to describe their hockey playing northerly neighbours
ex, logan, don't be such a bitch ass fucking canuck, this is America for fuck sakes
A Canuck a racial slur a Canadian mostly used by people in the U.S. people like me because I’m xenophobic and i hate Canadians.
A portmanteau of the words "Canada" and "cuck" used to described the average Canadian person.
"Steve, a typical canuck, apologized profusely after he got stabbed by an Indian immigrant who took his job and family doctor"
All that Canuck did was talk shit about how his maple syrup was better than mine.
A shitty hockey team that does not deserve to be in the National Hockey League; a group of hockey players who do not prevent goals and cannot play defense
Billy screamed at the video game because of how shitty the Canucks are while he was down 19-0 at the end of the first period.
A very lazy person of Canadian heritage.
We were gathering firewood for the winter and that canuck sat around drinking beer the whole time we worked.
Anyone of Canadian decent who enjoys listening to and playing Chuck Mangione songs.
Every morning at 8 A.M Tommy and his Canuck pals start their day by facing east and playing Feels so Good on their trumpets.