A combination of a skank and a chunky person: A chunk skank.
Autumn and Kylie were being chanks when they walked around school with their asses hanging out of there leggings.
Someone is a "Chank" when they do something they already did easily before, but in a really bad/stupid way.
Agustín: Sing this song you already sang before.
Facundo: *makes a mistake in the beginning*
Elían: Facundo is such a Chank!
When something you can buy is both cheap and dank.
“Have you been to Blends Cantina?”
“Yea, the food there is so chank!”
The action of killing enemies in rainbow six seige with Tachanka's deployable turret.
Hey man, cover me, I'm about to 'Chank.
Some one who doesn't look like he can fight, but he can beat you and your bald ass father
Don't underestimate this motherfucker, he a chank.
As in "Chink" Any oriental person that looks Asian. Used in the same manner as "Stank" when talking about something that "Stinks"
Man#1: Why the hell are all these chanks up in here?
Man#2: Because this is the animal shelter. You know these sick fuckers be eating on dogs and cats.
Man#1: I know, look at that chank staring at that little puppy like he bout to break out some soy sauce and start sprinkling the poor pooch for flavor.
MAN#2: Let's get the fuck away from these slant eyed chanks.
A person of Asian decent. Chank derived from "Chink" . A person might say " It stanks in here, one of these bitches smell like some shit and fish." Stank is the same as stink. Chank is the same as chink.
When the other driver emerged from the car accident he just caused, I went over and beat the rice out of that damn chank.