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A type of goverment where private property can be owned, tons of rights are given to the people, and the people pick the leader of the country. So it relies on the country's population being smart. And its rare to find a smart human

America, canada, and modern-day japan are examples of democracy countries.

by MrMrMemeyGuy September 7, 2017

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Democracy is a form of government on which a country is aparently run by a few who are voted into power by a mass, we of course know this to be a lie because every form of domocratic government (including the British government)is completely corrupt. Take the EU for example, when did anyone ever get to vote on any EU 'TREATY', NEVER, only the proud Irish got a vote and the EU COMPLETELY IGNORED IT.

british government should be a Elitist monarchy

EU governemt should burn under the foot of the independant european countries

America is ok but can be a bit thick at times.

dieu et mon droit

God save the Queen

EU: hey, lets have a united states of europe!

Populus: NO WAY

EU: democracy only works for the rich and the people in power, you common masses dont count!

EU: is that a yes?

Populus: NO

EU: we have a U.S.E

by Bohemian Rolfe July 18, 2008

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Urban Dictionary doesn't like Democracy. You can tell because the removed their vote feature. They do like Biden though.

Democracy is for idiots anyways.

by Hym Iam December 31, 2021

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"Government by the people, of the people, for the people."

Abraham Lincoln

"Democracy is when you say what you like and do what your told."

Dave Barry

by Gus Svatoy August 29, 2009

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A peculiar form of government native to New England, which few other places have managed to emulate.

Democracy works, but it's being overtaken by federalism these days.

by birdboy2000 December 9, 2004

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Codename for invasion. Often used in the context of oil, but works with practically any nationalized industry / trade.

We will be bringing democracy to Iraq.

by Clay_ August 3, 2022

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Do you want 150 million retards to be the direct cause of you and your baby starving to death? Well, boy, do I have the political strategy for you!

Hym "Thanks Democracy! This clearly works! They clearly voted correctly! Everything is great right now! Hey, somebody want to appoint me to one of these Kafkaesque bureaucracies so I can continue to be a lazy, do nothing, piece of shit; except with a million dollars instead of nothing? No? Ok. We'll just starve then."

Iam *sigh* "......."

Hym "What? No rebuke? Ok I'll keep going. How does saying the exact opposite of reality end up working on people, over and over again? 'What? Inflation isn't happening! What are you talking about' 'This is clearly the other teams fault!' 'That ruler is clearly broken. We both know my dick is 9 inches!' Good job team! We clearly need the people who voted for this to continue to have a say in our society."

Iam "...They should have a say in what the country they live in is going to be like. They're being lied to, blatantly, by corrupt people. Oh! I just had an idea! Finish up so I can go!"

Hym "Oh, no, be my guest. I'm just about finished anyway. I'll just be here waiting patiently for the country to collapse and raiders to start making outposts on the street corners."

by Hym Iam May 12, 2022

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