The Sales & Marketing Director is an individual that spends an exorbitant amount of time contemplating marketing & selling. Whilst not actually understanding the product. But manages to actively sell himself with pretty line charts, inventing facts and interfering with things he neither understands nor is within his remit. Trying to make himself look good by making others look bad.
“The new Sales guy has started! We have been told he is our last, best hope! He is the Sales & Marketing Director”. Only to hear in reply “oh this guy with the pretty line charts & post it notes? He can’t sell for toffee, let alone count… spends all his time interfering in what doesn’t concern him, is about a disappointing as Luke Skywalker in “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” and I have heard their is another…”
Pretty much someone awesome but also extremely undervalued. Picture a bulldozer in a sandbox. Then picture a bulldozer with awesome spiked hair, huge calf muscles and a killer marathon time in a sandbox. There's your Director, Projects.
The other day I was walking my dog, and a "Director, Projects" jumped out of the bushes in a ninja suit and kicked me in the head. Then he ran away at a great clip for 26.2 miles.
When you URINATE , DEFECATE and TAKE A SHOWER you keep having it rubbed in WHO ULTIMATELY is in charge.
A harsh punishment for certain PEDOPHILES.
Ultimately this is the most important THINGS IN LIFE and we all are always turning to the BORED OF DIRECTORS as that is are MEANS TO OUR END
Laok as when you PISS AND SHIT ANAL ALAN as everybody can see YOUR BUSINESS and the DENIAL of a SHOWER as to remind you how much you can STINK for the BORED OF DIRECTORS as PEDOPHILES don"t deserve ever any SHOWER as the BOARD OF DIRECTORS won't permit it as it clearly shows and permeates how much of an ASSHOLE you are
When you're a working mom and you have to be sure that every kid gets to practice, gets their homework done, and goes to play dates with friends. Managing all of it makes you feel like an overworked cruise director.
I'm so exhausted all the time, but for other people. I feel like a cruise director getting everyone to where they need to be.
A director of stories about suicide a little like Logan Paul.
kind man suicide director suicide director
Used to refer to your close friend group or close group of people
Hey bro, can I come hang out with you guys? I gotta ask the board of directors bro
Is a Well known Up and Coming Video Director and Afropop Singer Who the Music industry is yet to give him what He deserves.
I want Director Hercules to shoot my music video: I featured Director Hercules in my hit song