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hardcore dancing

the stupidest thing ever done at a show. the music is amazing, the scenesters fuck it over. I've also noticed a lot of scene fucks starting "hardcore" bands...FEAR BEFORE THE MARCH OF FLAMES for instance. Pansies...they don't even get near eachother..

Tommy is a pussy, he stands there and punches the air.

by state of alert March 23, 2005

14๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hardcore Dancing

Dancing for real because you arent a drunk fucking bum, who smokes, and who lives off their parents money. Because you are not scene, because the scene kids who end up there and drink are found like radar and killed. All kids willing to say otherwise, are now known as 'scene' cause they cant except others, and cant disipline themselves enough to stop stealing their parents booze, and begging the guy right in front of jewel to buy them cigarettes. All you scene kid prep retards, can answer to me, and all the true edge kids, and kids who like music that brings upon truth and reality.


Raise your fist in the air, drug free!

by cleanseyourself August 14, 2005

11๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

hardcore dancing

Though its original creation is unknown, hardcore dancing involves hardcore kids wearing girls jeans kicking, flailing, and otherwise brutally assailing the air (or bystander on occassion). Hardcore dancing developed because punk is dead (and gay) and hardcore dancing is much more entertaing than pits.

Punk is dead and hardcore kicks ass

by The Govenator February 25, 2005

14๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

hardcore dancing

most of the time scene kids dancing with girl pants..

alot of swing the arms and legs..
fighting non-exsiting ninjas
amazing dancing that looks suhweet!!

its fun and looks like your cool..

moshing is for losers..
hXc dancing is for amazing ppl who know what good music is!!
keep it coming hXc ppl

hardcore dancing is amazing. its for amazing people who know what real music is.
I <3 the scene and hardcore music

by scream scene June 29, 2006

18๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hardcore Dancing

ok im kinda sick of people bashing "dancing".. if u know how to dance, then dance..quit making a big deal out of nothing....if u truly love hardcore....you can feel the adriniline rushing during a breakdown, and you want to dance, then dance

as u can tell i love harcore

by jeff calley August 15, 2005

13๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hardcore Dancing

A Tendency of kids that listen to nu hardcore Music, to stand in the middle of the standing area and do things such as "windmills" and punch the air.

It is said that this is them expressing themselves. In actuallity, the idea of a "pit" is for people who have a lot of energy built up because of the band playing, to volunarily go in and flip out and beat the crap out of eachother. Yet
It is a positive thing and no one actually intentionally hits one another.

In the case of hardcore dancing. its one person arrogantly throwing their body parts around, and in many cases, hitting people that want nothing to do with them. Hard core dancing is frowned upon in the hardcore punk/ crust community because it is not seen as a way of truly enjoying the music..

Hardcore dancing is mad ridic...

by Senorsuave79 June 2, 2005

8๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hardcore Dancing

If you like hardcore music the dancing can look really sweet and make live shows more energetic. This is the one and only positive side to it. "If you get hit you are supposed to take it for the team." It does not work that way in Jax, if you get hit you are supposed to take it, if you hit somebody your ass is jumped on by 10 people in the pit. Apparently there is a right and wrong way to do it because the so called scenesters target in on the amateurs.

I had a friend hardcore dance for the first time, apparently wrong. Hardcore faggot punches him so I give him a little shove, next thing I know I am on the ground with 6 guys throwing punches and kicks at me. Friend fights pussy one v one beats the shit out of him until 12 of their friends jump in and fuck us 3 up. What a fun thing to do

by Jville killa April 4, 2005

11๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž