When a male (older male) is in the act of “cumming” and nothing comes out
babe i need you back, he got my with a rusty fire hydrant again
Squirting on end for hours and hours and splashing all over the place.
Becky found a new man who made her get to fire hydranting.
a projectile spewing vagina when cumming
After last night's one night stand, I realized why the sheets were wet: because of my fire hydrant vagina....... I wish my girl was there to help with the fire on 69th ave last week, her Fire Hydrant Vagina would have finished the job.
After last night's one night stand, I realized why the room was so wet: my Fire Hydrant Vagina....... I wish my girl was the fire on 69th ave last week, her fire hydrant vagina would have finished the job.
When your penis explodes uncontrollably when touched by others
Hey dude I totally Fire hydranted today"
Phrase used to refer to something that is broken / doesn't work as its intended.
A teacher erases his chalkboard, however the chalk barely comes off the board. He holds up the eraser, "What is this? A California Fire Hydrant??"
When your girl is being crowded by a bunch of dudes at a party, and you proceed to pee on her, marking your territory, ensuring no one tries to talk to her again due to the piss aroma that presides on her lower body. (Exception to upper body if you have a strong stream)
Mike: “dude what’s that smell, did someone pee in here?”
Devon: “Jake just Gave Hailey a New Jersey fire hydrant.”
Mike: “haha what?”
Devon: “Yeah dude just pissed on her in front of everyone to ensure his territory.”
Mike: “haha sick”