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Someone who doesn't care about what you do as long is doesn't affect them.

"Wow, that guy's such a libertarian"

"Yeah I know, he just left me alone"

by DOTMPlease June 4, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A libertarian believes his right to swing his arms ends where his neighbor's nose begins. Government's sole function is to guard that relationship.

A libertarian won't dump used motor oil where it will taint someone else's water.

by TomS April 13, 2006

230๐Ÿ‘ 428๐Ÿ‘Ž


Advocates of free will, protecting of all rights natural or other, truest most tangible liberty and justice for all. They herald those who protect freedoms, despise those who trounce upon it, are proud of the rich, want to see the poor better themselves, see all races as equal and equally capable,
defy the institutions that dare to regulate our private lives and public opinions, and are the be-all, end-all majority of the middle class whether you know it or not.

Me, in a nutshell

by X-S~ April 6, 2004

234๐Ÿ‘ 459๐Ÿ‘Ž


The only people in this country with common sense.

The Libertarian platform is this-
"We hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose."
That means that abortion, gay marriage, gun rights, property rights, etc., etc. would not be regulated or prohibited. Robbery, murder, vandalism, arson, etc. would still be punishable by law.

Libertarians are tolerant and sensible.

by JuliaNicole January 20, 2010

104๐Ÿ‘ 211๐Ÿ‘Ž


An edgy conservative who likes to smoke weed.

Larry Libertarian believes that workers have no rights, taxation is theft, racial discrimination should be legal, regulations that protect clean air and water should be rolled back, and everything else that a Republican believes...but he wants to legalize the marijuana, so all the 20-somethings think he's cool.

by q359 March 6, 2017

7๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A libertarian is a person who thinks he is not the property of the state, like he is not a cow in a farm owned by a farmer. He thinks that the government should represent his interests and not repress him with rules against his wellness and steal money from his work like a PIMP.

He believes that a contract is only valid when people who sign it agree with the terms, which is not the case of most decisions of the government pushed on people against their will. He realises that all the land is owned by different states/gangs who bully people in different ways, and so there is no free land on the planet where you can stay by yourself and mind your own business without having to pay something to someone, and he thinks that's SLAVERY.

He's disgusted by the idea of being stuck in an office from 9 to 5 and the need to ask permission to go to the doctor or take care of a kid, he thinks it's like JAIL.

What he wants it's to be FREE, from any kind of self proclaimed authority because he is an adult, a free person who is responsible for his actions and choices and can make his own decisions.

This makes people who are not libertarian voluntary slaves, prisoners and kids, wanting to be assisted by an authority. They are willing to be taxed on their labour by people who are not taxed on their capital, who make them suffer in poverty living of what they produce, like farm ANIMALS.

And of course the system makes you think that being libertarian can only create chaos... WAKE UP PEOPLE!

He's a libertarian, he won't do anything against his will because he's a free person, not a slave, not a prisoner, not a kid.

by alix999 January 25, 2018

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A conservative who smokes pot

Stupid libertarians.

by SECRET MOOSE September 30, 2016

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