Source Code

Poo Jogging

When you have to shit, and have to speedwalk to the bathroom with your ass cheeks clenched together holding back the chunky hot chocolate attempting to burst forth from your anus like a frothy brown geyser.

"I almost got knocked out the other day walking down the hall..."

"What happened?"

"Drew ended up coming around the corner and running into me almost running it seemed, and then didn't even say he was sorry... And then jogged to the bathroom afterwards really awkwardly..."

"Ah, he was Poo Jogging... I bet you cost him that pair of underwear, dangerous game."

by Phreakin October 18, 2019

Jammie Jog

Getting fucked with a pistol.

β€œThis really hot guy jammie jogged me last night”

by Alcoholics_anonymous January 6, 2021

Blow Jogs

Blow Jogs are a food that contain white bread, cheese and pepperoni. They are usually prepared in a conventional oven using a baking sheet or tray. The Blow Jogs are prepared much like a pizza or open face sandwich. In most cases shredded cheddar cheese is used.

Guy #1 - "Wife made me some Blow Jogs last night for dinner."

Guy #2 - "I LOVE BLOW JOGS!"

by anonwi April 20, 2009

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A Jogging Cow

A Texas Hold'em Poker term for having 2 pair after the initial three common cards are put in to play. (Two pair on the flop)

Jake's hole cards were a 6 and a 9. The flop was Ace, 6, and 9 giving him a pair of 6's and a pair of 9's. Two pair on the flop, A Jogging Cow, an udderly good hand.

by Dolfer January 9, 2010

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Cog Jog

The sexual act of placing a pair of testicles in between the pinkie, middle and ring finger as to create sexual pleasure through friction and pressure. This is done whilst preforming oral stimulation upon the shaft and head.

Hey Fred, that Guatamalan whore next to the Stop n' Go gives the best Cog Jogs.

by UberBad March 18, 2005

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Emo Jog

The act of cutting your wrist and then going for a jog or Cutting your wrist while jogging.

"Do the world a favor and go for a Emo jog"

by Candle Jack September 24, 2007

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Jog the Dog

To Jog the Dog is to stroke ones penis vigorously until orgasm is achieved, in other words, Masturbation.

The sudden urge to "Jog the Dog" may occur when;

1. You've been cock blocked and all out of options.

2. You're Horny.

3. You're Bored.

4. Your both bored AND horny.

5. You can't get some from your girlfriend/wife/etc.

6. Can't afford your local prostitutes.

Looks like Kevin is off to Jog the Dog!

by Beta House October 21, 2008

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