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it means "Fuck me"

thats it im touching grass

by ClayLikesDick November 21, 2021


A City In Nigeria

"Totally" not Furry slang

*Cough* *Cough*

"I want to live In Owo forever." XD

by TheRelatableDictionary September 28, 2019

1👍 1👎


A not well known city in Nigeria. Often confused with OwO

Gerald: Did you hear about the terrorist shooting in Owo city?

Furry hater: Haha those furies deserved it!

Gerald: No there's been a massacre of a church, it's a city in Nigeria

Furry hater: Oh..

by LilHoss4k June 11, 2022


Something used by furries so it's hella gay so don't use it

OwO lick me pls

by Kewlree April 25, 2019

12👍 14👎


The 'OwO' soared across the depths of the sky, concussing himself on the rough stone. 'OwO' was tired of being called a Furry. Though 'OwO' WAS a furry, he did not accept that fact. But, 'The Boys🥶' found 'OwO' and threw him across the sky. Now 'OwO' is conflicted with either hunting 'The Boys🥶' or not. Will you help 'OwO' or help 'The Boys🥶'? If you help 'The Boys🥶' 'OwO' now hates you.
*I'm not an OwO or part of 'The Boys🥶'*

Oh, the poor Owo.

by Weeb person was taken already February 18, 2021

5👍 5👎




by Stevenage Steve September 24, 2018

6👍 6👎


A Word that use when ur goddamn furry

And gay...

daddy *murr. Notice ur balgy balg

OwO What's this?

by A furrfag July 10, 2019

6👍 7👎