Source Code

t. seat

shorthand word used for the toilet seat

"Hey, did those nasty ass-cheeks touch that t. seat ? If they did, I'm not goin' near that thing."

by Thyne Eggard Foresythe April 28, 2010

Meat Seat

To have an unusally large ass, kind of like the side of beef Stallone punches in Rocky

Oh great, here comes meat seat

by Dexter Morgan September 15, 2008

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Seating disorder

Common in restaurants - you can't get out because they're perched on the edge with the seat too far back as a result.

Usually affects women.

"Dude I can't get out, her chair's too far out"
"Yeah, she's got a serious seating disorder."

by Aydin Ali February 2, 2008

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Club Seating

Sitting in a slouched, relaxed manner such that the angle formed by your torso and legs is larger than 90 degrees.

The term originally applied to sitting on bar stools above the rest of the people in undisclosed coffee shop or restaurant.

"Guess what time it is?"
"Wheel of Fortune time?"
"No, club seating."

by clubman1898 February 5, 2008

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Take a seat

The famous one liner used by Chris Hansen in his interviews of potential sexual predators as seen on Dateline NBC's 'To Catch a Predator'.
Upon walking into the room in which the potential predator and the decoy (the latter of which may not be in the room at the time) meet, Chris usually starts off with asking the potential predator something that has to do with what the potential predator and the decoy were just discussing, and then asks the potential predator to "take a seat".

The phrase 'take a seat' and 'have a seat' are often interchanged.

Decoy: "I made you some cookies but I got chocolate on my shirt, I gotta go change it really fast but I left them on the table for you."
(about 10-15 seconds pass)
Chris Hansen: "So no cookies for you then? Why don't you go ahead and take a seat on that stool there for me please".

by TRWoof December 28, 2017

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nigger seat

The bad seat in someone's car. like the middle seat in a truck or that way back seat in an suv. it's the seat that no one like's to sit in.

"i'm driving so you have to sit in the nigger seat"
"aw damn it, i hate the nigger seat

by G-Man666 March 17, 2007

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dickie seat

The fold down seat normally in the middle row of a van next to the door

'We had to put the dickie seat up when we had 8 bro's in the van goin down to penrif to cause some mischief'

by smaxta August 10, 2007

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