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self guilt

always putting the guilt on yourself

i'm always so self guilt!

by Jack Nylum November 26, 2018

21๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


That turd you do that's so heavy it disappears round the u-bend under its own gravity without you having to flush it.
Antonym of unflushable

Kevin's 6 pound self-flusher landed so loudly in the pan the splash woke his deaf grandma.

by king of turds September 8, 2008


The practice of restraining oneself. This practice usually includes means of sexual stimulation while in bondage, and the participant usually attains a heightened sense of arousal by being unable to pleasure themselves. Sometimes pain is involved, masochisically. Almost always, a release mechanism is used. Whether it is a key in ice, or a timer set to release a key.

Andrea loves to practice self-bondage. Since she can't find anyone else to pleasure her, she ties herself up.

by ArmyGoose August 21, 2006

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self call

Dartmouth term. Calling another out with regards to sentiments meant to draw quantities of positive attention to oneself.

Cbrandt: blah blah I'm a sweet dude
Kval: Self call

by The sweetest of dudes July 21, 2006

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self diagnosis

When a person diagnoses themselves based on websites like WebMD and Mayo Clinic.

Step 1: "Owww it hurts"

Step 2: Google where it hurts

Step 3: Examples come up on the search

Step 4: Compare the respective sites

Step 5: Come to conclusion

Jeff googled "irregular pain in the kidney area" to see what was up. WebMD told him that it could just be a muscle strain; this was Jeff's self diagnosis and he decided that was the problem and didn't go to the doctor. 8 months later Jeff found out he had terminal hip bone cancer and that he had only 2 years to live.

Elise had a slight pain in her neck after falling off her bed in the middle of the night and hitting herself. Being a chronic neurotic, she feared for the worst, googled it, just in case. She self diagnosed herself to have had throat cancer. She went to the doctor and found out it was a simple trapezius sprain.

by bpipic April 9, 2010

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self deprecating

Insulting; devaluing; or belittling oneself, often in a sarcastic or humorous way.

Young girls are so self deprecating. They never talk about anything but their flaws.

Tate: I have to cancel our plans this weekend!
Lana: Don't worry about it; I'm an expert when it comes to spending weekends alone.
Tate: You're so self deprecating sometimes, Lana.

by Kellyisawin! December 3, 2013

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The act of deliberately inflicting harm on ones own body without suicidal intent or plans of bodily modification (eg. piercing your ears isn't self-injury). Typically self-injury is practiced to block mental pain with physical pain, or to provide the self-injurer with something that they can feel if they are emotionally numb. Common forms of self-injury include cutting with a sharp object such as a razor or a knife, burning (with an open flame, chemicals, a heated object (technically, this is branding, not burning), or friction from rubbing with an object such as a pencil erasor), scratching or scraping, and hitting (whether with ones own hands or another object).

Although it is sometimes misinterpreted as a suicide attempt, self-injury is actually a coping mechanism used to deal with powerful negative feelings and prevent suicide.

by Anonymous Ex-cutter June 21, 2003

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