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a pair of sub-human superheros thunked up by two immature kids while riding public transportation. These superheros fight crime with their unusual talents by flinging poo and stench.

sHITBAG: a colostomy bag
DILLHOLE: a super moist, smelly, hairy hole...

sometimes accompanied by their pal LOcKJAW

MY GOD!!!! OH THE HORROR!!! wait! look! its sHITBAG and DILLHOLE here to save the day!!!

by COL! July 26, 2006

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shitbag deluxe

one greater than a shitbag, which is full of the highest quality shit.

Brajer, wow what shitbag deluxe, talking like he knows everything, I think only he can deserve that title of a shitbag deluxe.

by Just your average shitbag June 6, 2007

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Sweaty Shitbag

A fat guy in gym who sucks at every sport but when somebody makes a mistake, can't serve, or doesn't hit the ball properly rolls his eyes and says very loudly in his fat-guy voice, "What was THAT!" or "Why would you just stand there?"
The person most likely to have a ball aimed at his head. Most often raped by his father during early childhood. His mother never loved him. See also plink ball hog

Victoria tries to serve the volleyball, tries her best, and it lands just in front of the net. Bret, who happens to be a Sweaty Shitbag, moans to his boyfriend, Dimitri, also a Sweaty Shitbag, and then they guffaw, miss many more balls, and after class go have sex in the locker room.

by Laura (ARSON!) March 6, 2008

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Shitbag full of Fuckdust

Term used to describe the immense uncomfortable feeling after a extremely heavy night of drinking and or drugs.

Sean: Dude, holy shit! you don't look so fucking good.
Owen: Quick! grab me a bucket, I feel like a Shitbag full of Fuckdust!
Sean: yeah you look like one too.
Owen: Just get me the bucket already cockface

by warden September 22, 2009

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Tyler County shitbag

1. (n) An annoyingly narcissistic person/persons who thinks they are the best at everything.

Tyler County shitbags can't hold a job and usually have no money. They will gladly tell you this, because according to them, it is most likely your duty to pay their bills.

The only way to combat a Tyler County shitbag during a social outting if you are unfortunate enough to encounter one, is to try and talk over them. This should be done with caution and is not recommended for socially inexperienced or inept people. The act of being louder than a Tyler County shitbag by itself can leave one gasping for breath and hoarse. This action will also be met with extreme prejudice by the shitbag, as well as by your peers at your social gathering, as you are now the loudest one in the room, bar none; expect the locals to have blocked out the Tyler County shitbag and commonly be immune to his lies and unbelievably thick bullshit.

2. (n) a Cory.
Tyler County shitbags are commonly refered to as Cory's by life long Tyler County residents.

Overheard from a Tyler County shitbag:
"The stupid fucks at Guiness Records know all about me man! They just hate that I keep better records of shit than they do. Biggest reason really is that they don't want to pay their publisher to put out an entirely new book, so they just keep hating on this Cory."

by Bo Blam November 22, 2019

Shitbag Dad Package

The "dinner on Tuesdays and every other weekend overnight" custody package assigned to dads who want to minimize both child support payments and interaction with their kids.

Tyler got the shitbag dad package in the divorce, just like he wanted.

by Alex Blaine May 26, 2021

shitbag war whore

A military wife that cheats on her husband and doesn't use protection thus winding up preggers.

Judy's husband, Jerry, deployed for a year to Iraq.

Judy fucked harry.

Judy got pregnant and Jerry finds out. Bad military wife bad!You're such a shitbag war whore

by savvy momma May 16, 2009

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