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the new movie is slated to release tomorrow.

by jfjsls June 3, 2022


"Slated", similar to being Stoned, but instead of the Delta-9 head release high, having a Slated high pushes on your Frontal Lobe of your brain. Slated highs are generally gotten from Delta 8, 10, and Thc-O, and may be be uncomfortable and unpleasant if dosed to much

"yo bro I got hella Slated last night with this chick from the cities"

by ElusiveStar August 22, 2022

date and slate

When you go on a date with someone and you end up not liking them, you slag them off to your friends etc, this is called 'date and slate'

I went out with a right awful person last night, they were this....they were that.... in fact what you might call a 'date and slate'

by kermit999 June 29, 2011

Fresh slate

When you forget what your last hangover felt like and ready for another hangover that will make you not want to drink again.

Can also be used as a measure of time; Generally 1 week.

Bro1: You recovered from last weekend?

Bro2: nah man but Il have a probably have a fresh slate by Friday man.

by NormalBro December 28, 2022