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United States of America

a thing nerds attack on urban dictionary. gimme a thumbs down, but you know it!!!

Felipe- I typed united states of america on urbadictionary and there's mad trolling.

Reggie- just nerds under the age of 16 who have nothing better to do.

by gabedog January 12, 2010

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United States of Whatever

1)America as seen by basically anyone over twelve and under 25.
2)Responding to everything with very simple open-ended phrases like whatever, that's cool, or yo.
3)A very funny song by Liam Lynch that captures pure teen angst.

I was at the beach and I saw Kiki, and she was like euwhh, and I was like whatever. This is my united states of whatever.

by JimLad November 19, 2005

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United States of Amnesia

1). A term used to describe Americas uncanny ability to forget things that happened in the near past. Americans are known to make enemies of countries and people who were allies yesterday because "we" quickly forget.

The United States of Amnesia forgot that WE supplied Saddam Hussein with most of his weapons...we called him part of the Axis of Evil and tried to kill him for possibly using them...on US.

As they say, yesterdays friend is tomorrows enemy.

by urbanr0cker May 13, 2008

39๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

United States of America

Thumbs down, Thumbs up, or whatever you want, but at leat hear me out first.----------

The country located between Mexico (to the south) and Canada (to the north).

Most people hate the USA for being imperfect, but they fail to see the TRUE America

1) Not everyone here is an obnoxious prick. There are some acctually informed and nice people here, as well as assholes, just like in EVERY OTHER COUNTRY.

2) Of course we are proud to be American, but that doesn't mean we are arrogant. If you are not proud of your country, then why do you live there?

3)Not every American is diebetic and fat, so shut the fuck up.

4)Yea, we know that some countries dislike us, we also know that we have allies as well. And we DO know that there are other countries that exist beyond the USA. Were not as retarded as you think.

5)We know our government is not perfect

6) Unfortunately, most people judge us before they even know us

Now before you get upset, im not saying there os no country that understands the USA

The United States of America is home to the largest Naval Base in the world, in Norfolk, Virginia. And also the oldest constitutuion that is still in effet today.

Most Non-Americans: Say, are you American?

Non-Ignorant American: Yes.

Most Non-Americans: I can smell the arrogance and hamburgers on you from here! Get away from me----

American: I honestly have no response to that :|

***I am proud to be american, as you are proud to be whatever nationality you come from.

by Ecnegludni Fles Sseldinm :D April 8, 2011

230๐Ÿ‘ 104๐Ÿ‘Ž

united states of america

FTR Canada is actually the best friend of the United States of America as opposed to that "great piece of crap" up north. And also for the most part Canadians and Americans do like each other so this "bitching" you so talk about doesn't really apply except to minority groups.

Person 1: What's that great piece of crap up north?

Person 2: That's no piece of crap at all loser, that's Canada the best friend of the United States of America.

Person 1: OK

by Paul Ward June 3, 2007

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United States of the Offended

A term devised by Robert D. Raiford, curmudgeon-at-large, and the only REAL reason to listen to the John Boy and Billy show. It's what the good ol' U.S. of A have become thanks to the panty-waisted touchy-feely liberal types who go out of their way looking for something to offend them, and get said panties in a knot when they find it. Hey, it's called the right to freedom of speech, ya horse's ass. Go check out the first ammendment. NOWHERE does it say that you have the right not to be offended. So quit calling for more tolerance and diversity training, and just learn to deal with it. Instead of trying to make us all overly sensitive, why the hell don't you go out and get a real job, and mind your own damn business. Sometimes the truth's a bitch, fuckers.

Wow, we can't say ____ anymore because some group got their poor little feeler's hurt and pitched a fit and made everyone take sensitivity training? Geez, some people get their skivvies in a twist over the most trivial things. It's like we're living in the United States of the Offended or something.

by Sir Adam the Great April 8, 2005

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United States of Generica

Suburban areas where the predominance of malls and chain stores have so homogenized the landscape that there are few remaining external clues where you are. The result of spending any length of time in such areas is a "generic" experience of America, i.e., an experience that is identical whether you are in Texas, Massachusetts, Ohio, or California. May also include extensive housing developments characterized by tract housing or, worse, McMansions.

Every "mom-and-pop" shop that had given the area its charm and character had been replaced by a Walmart, a Payless, a McDonalds, or a Starbucks -- transforming what was once a delightful town into just another corner of the United States of Generica.

by Thomas L. Robinson August 15, 2006

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