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1a. Noun

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.

1b. Noun

A member of an internet forum who continually harangues and harasses others. Someone with nothing worthwhile to add to a certain conversation, but rather continually threadjacks, as well as thinks every member of the forum is talking about them and only them. Trolls often go by multiple names to circumvent getting banned.

2a. Noun

Sometimes compared to the Japanese ‘Oni’, a troll is a supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore. Lives in hills, mountains, caves, or under bridges. They are stupid, large, brutish, hairy, long-nosed, and bug-eyed, and may also have multiple heads or horns. Trolls love to eat people, especially small children.

2b. Noun

An old, unattractive gay man who hits on young men, and cannot seem to understand that they want nothing to do with him.

3. Verb

To cruise for immediate sexual pleasure without commitment. Often characterized by an older man, seeking a younger man, or any man for immediate, often anonymous sexual contact.

4. Noun

5. Verb

To use acid and ectasy simulataneously. See trolling.

(Comes from ‘Tripping’ on acid, and ‘Rolling’ on ecstasy)

6. Noun

A toy popular in the 1980’s, a ‘troll’ is a cute little plastic trolls with fluffy, colored hair.

7. Noun


note: most of the definitions are not mine

1a. I hate trolls!

1b. I hate trolls!

2a. It is said that a troll will turn to stone if caught by sunlight/daylight.

2b. That troll kept hitting on Rick.

3. He went trolling and picked up a 17-year-old boy recently at a gay club.

4. Hey, how's my computer able to speak in foreign languages?

5. Back in the 90's we used to troll at the raves.

6. I bought a 4-inch troll for my little sister on her birthday.

7. I know about the trolls even if i'm not at act 5 yet

by giannis makara/zahhak January 7, 2016


Cruising a town, meat market or any location in the search for a new sex partner; usually for one night only

We went trolling last night and hooked up with some Danish girls

by Gojai August 23, 2017


Act of appearing on internet forums and boards with malicious intent. Trolling includes...

-batting people to flame at you
-putting the forum down and encouraging people to leave.
-using several identities on a board to support your own arguments / stage pretend arguments
-generally being a dick on a power trip.
Some trolls claim they actions benefit others. These trolls are also twats

did you see the way that guy was trolling?
yep, he got banned.
i just filled in another account. you guys are dicks. why did you ban me? im gonna spam the place up for that!!

by pete s June 9, 2006

819👍 804👎


deliberately arguing with complete fallacies on forums, comment threads, or message boards to get leets and other users pissed off by the troll's "ignorance"

User: Obama is a great president.
Troll: Obama kills babies and is a terrorist Muslim from Kenya
User: no! you are stupid (expletives may follow)
Troll: (continues to argue with fallacies)
User: (follows with angrier reply)
(other users may join in on either side)

NOTE: trolling may involve spam

by someguythatsboard November 9, 2010

145👍 129👎


The art of annoying people subtly.
A is troll
B is victim

"I like men" B
"So ur gay?" A
"Yup" B

"JK" B
" who's ur man crush?" A
" Dude jokes over I'm straight" B
"No no no, I understand it's hard to admit but I new since the very sta- " A
" I HATE YOU!!!!!11!1!1!!1" B

by Fire Flake February 6, 2017

10👍 6👎


Any person who is so miserable and lacking self worth that said person makes his/her lifes goal of pissing others off and generally being a lamer.

Don't listen to that troll, he hates himself and therefore must bother everyone around him.

by Anonymous September 2, 2003

171👍 157👎


A different variant to the message or thread troll. This troll takes advantage of a characters ability and or game, becoming way too overpowered for his own good and others playing with him/her. With that power comes greed, selfishness and rubbing their good fortune in the other players faces. Pretty much turning into a dick legally inside the game. Not advancing towards the goal.

Every turn this guy would use his characters ability to "spam" or troll the game gaining way too much strength and craft. Making it impossible for another character or creature to defeat him. You cant get mad at the person because he's technically not doing anything wrong but they're just not any fun to play with.

by DEMONinDISGIUSE April 18, 2012

4👍 1👎