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It all started witch Vlad Tepes(Vlad Dracul) who made up strict laws,punished with impaling,if ever broken.The merchants and outsiders that used to trade within Transylvania,the transylvanian saxons especially,made up stories while not being at home,about how cruel the current leader is,naming him Dracula,meaning more or less Dragon.His father earned the title Dracul for bravery,and recieved an amulet depicting a snake biting his tail in a circle.Transylvania(currently in Romania;))was a pretty exotic place for western europeans,so Bram Stoker used these rumors to create a story witch remains even now famous to the extreme.Sadly people these days are trying to create an alternative image regarding vampires...witch results in an epic FAIL!

twilight fan-listen dude you just goota check this vampire shit out!
original dracula fan-sorry dude.while your gay twilight actors are being manipulated to brainwash teenagers from alover the world,bela lugosi is actually as we speak drinking the blood of hundreds of people to sustain his everlasting lifeforce,and ruling the world behind the shadow....ok i'm just joking.
twilight fan-omg you're like so right...i'm gonna go burn all my twilight collectibles now,bye.

by DeadHashbrother August 27, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who lives his or her life during the night. Most vampires have no morals, and no respect for higher authority. They thrive on having multiple partners and eat out frequently.

You're at a party when all of a sudden your homeboy shows up with a couple of chicks you have never met. "Damn... look who just showed up fuckin' vampire-boy."

by Jonathan Watkins August 4, 2005

81๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž


attention seeking fools who want to feel special. they choose this term because they think it will make them or define them.

its like whiny snot nosed angsty teens who think they know it all, and then decide to term themselves as vampires because it is "cool" or "in"

so a real vampire? basically a real vampire is a woman who marries a guy for his cash to leech him of his money.

another kind of vampire is one who might leech off someone without giving in return.

basically a vampire is a leech from society, not this cruddy blood drinking/ energy draining BS others seem to think it is.

grow up people and wake to what you really are, another human in this world trying to get by, so cheer the %@#ยฃ up and get on with stuff.

a snot nosed why teen who wants to define themselves as something "special" or as vampires

by M.C.Jomar March 30, 2006

53๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who drinks blood. In modern times used to either describe
1) a fantasy creature
2) a person who's kind of like a furry, only won't admit that they aren't really what they pretend to be.

In the second case, it's basically a stupid overweight or underweight teenager who blames the fact that they have no friends and can't communicate with another human being on even the most basic of levels on the imagined fact that they aren't human. They go on internet forums and talk about their "awakening" (which is a fancy way of describing the time that they decided to give themselves a name they picked out of a D&D book and start pretending to be a vampire) and talking about how they fed off the emotions of all the people who made fun of them. In some cases they actually drink blood (read: lick their fingers when they get a paper cut) but most of the time they'll opt to pretend to be a "psi" vampire or some such idiocy where they'll claim to feed off of emotions. Sure, there are actual "vampires" who actually drink a lot of blood, but that's because they're either crazy or have some kind of fetish for it, not because they belong to some other race.

Dom claims to be a vampire. He walks around wearing a cape and hissing at people, and if you actually try to talk with him he'll just ineptly stutter about how he's going to curse or feed on you or something.

by TheWalrus October 28, 2007

42๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž


There are two types of Vampires, known to mankind.

1. Anorexic men that glitter in the sunlight. They are perfect in every way imaginable. These vampires aren't real, and can only be seen in badfics. See also: Gary Stu, and/or Mary Sue.

2. Creatures of the night, that feed on human blood. If sunlight touches their skin, they will explode into a poof of dust! They usually have 'Widow's Peak' hairlines, with black hair, and very pale skin. Their wardrobe consists of very expensive looking clothes, and a devilishly good cape. These vampires can usually be heard in the castles of Transylvania, playing their large, and dusty pipe organs.

1. Edward Cullen is one of them new fangled Vampire things...

2. The most famous vampire ever, was Dracula! It is still debatable whether or not he existed!

by The_Exuberant_Face August 16, 2010

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1. Mythical creature that survives by drinking blood. Think Transylvania and silver spikes.

2. High-school or college-age girl who is high-achieving, clean cut, athletic and good looking by day, and a disturbed, recreational drug or alcohol user by night. Just like the horror-movie monster, a modern vampire looks like a human, but they're blood sucking demons. You don't know about their deadly habbits until it's too late. Just like the bite of count Dracula, a vampire will try to suck you into her world of darkness with a kiss or blowjob.

The vampire Jenny tricked me so bad. She's the student president, treasurer of the young politicians, and goes to lacrosse camp over the summer. I thought she was going to be a great girlfriend. It turned out she had a broken family and smoked weed almost every weekend. She tried to trick me into trying that, but my team and coach pulled me back before I was ruined.

by StealerzRule July 28, 2005

94๐Ÿ‘ 149๐Ÿ‘Ž


A heart-throb romantic, who sucks blood, is great in bed, and can turn you for a life of eternity. Will burn in the sun (DOES NOT SPARKLE!!) so is a nocturnal being.

mortal: Oooo babe you are so good in bed!

vampire: Its because im a vampire.

by sexyslashlover1 September 26, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž