A password commonly used for networking devices.
It is weak because it can be found in a dictionary.
Admin 1: "What would you call a weak password?"
Admin 2: "Something you can find in a dictionary, like 'pR3s!d7n&0'"
cool mutual even though we don't interact much ily /p :
hey do u know _.m1ku..0?
oh :
for no reason
Dave: Why aren't you talking to Sam anymore?
Bob: Idk she's just mad at me for 0
Means Faggot.
f@&&0+ is used online to sneak past automated moderation systems.
Everyone report the f@&&0+ that is spawn killing
every person with no rizz that thinks sigmas and rizzlers suck!! 🖕🗿🍷
rizzler sigma emperor: hey! what are you doing?
epsilon: back off bitchass sigma
rizzler sigma emperor: shut yo bitchass up you epsilon beta 0 rizz person!1!!1!1 🗿🍷
epsilon: idc if my rizz is bad af i will never stop trying!
rizzler sigma: might as well give on on this epsilon beta 0 rizz…
congrats, you got absolutely nothing
*typed 1€§2£|3¥~4_…5^\6<7>8{!9}?0*
Winning in football with that score.
''oh shit real madrid won 5-0 to alavés''