Source Code

Incomplete dominance

Incomplete dominance is a form of intermediate inheritance in which one allele for a specific trait is not completely expressed over its paired allele. This results in a third phenotype in which the expressed physical trait is a combination of the phenotypes of both alleles.

page: hey bro so I took a red flower and a white flower and mated them, bro.
guy: ya so what happened?
page: I got a pink flower bro.
guy: how bro?
page: incomplete dominance. duh.

by iaintachuss January 9, 2018

World domination

World domination is something that will soon be achieved by the ABC squad this new world order will have complete control, It will punish all criminals to Australia were they will be forced to dig a trench anyone deemed a criminal by the ABC squad will go the the left side of Australia were they will live the rest of there lifes all the radical ppl will also be labeled as criminals and then be sent to Australia as well, along with this there is a lot more but to put in summary earth will soon become a utopia all of the details and the entire plan will soon be published on the internet under the label "ABC squad world domination"

peson 1: thank you masters for providing us a utopia with your world domination
ABC squad: you are very welcome

by big _brain_me May 14, 2021

Dominic H

He is an amazing friend kind and if he messes up he will fix it he loves basketball and baseball catch he’s so hilarious and funny and I always want to hang out with him he is so nice and kind

I asked what he thought about him self and this Ian what he said

I'm kind nice and athletic. I love sports and I'm good at basketball and baseball. I'm funny and love to make people laugh. I'm goofy but serious when I need to be.

He’s so funny he must be a Dominic H

by It’s me ryalil26 go ISHPEMING November 3, 2019

Cross Dominance

Also Known As Mixed Handedness. A Person Who Uses Their Non-Dominant Hand As Their Dominant Hand In Various Activity. There's Only 10% Of People In the World That Is Cross Dominant. For Example, What is most common Cross Dominant People, Left Handers. A Person That Uses Their Left Hand To Writes, Or Eat Food. While They Uses Their Right Hand To Throw, Or Shoot A Basketball, Or Other Physical Activity.

Ron: Are you Left Handed?

Michael: No, I'm Right Handed.

Ron, How Can You Throw The Ball With Your Other Hand?

Michael: It's Because I'm Cross Dominance.

Ron: Oh Wow. Cool!!

by GoFlushYourToilet December 25, 2017

Dominics Halloween

On Halloween (only the single Ladies) If you know a Dominic you must facefuck gagg glarg suck choke and stroke on his cock until he cums throughout the day and night anywhere you can where ever you can however you can

Hey where are y’all going

It’s dominics Halloween where going to go find dominic

by Sexy Texan 2000 November 1, 2021

19👍 3👎

Domination Station

A large amount of humiliation from beating somebody badly in an online video game. Used in a sentence in place of pwned or dominated. Phrase is rooted from two people in a World of Warcraft ventrilo server named "Rushal" and "Bigspeedystick".

*bigspeedystick kills player multiple times*
Bigspeedystick: Oh, this kid is getting dominated.
Rushal: Domination station

by Forcy October 16, 2006

46👍 16👎

Asian Domination

The biggest continent in the world, Asia will someday dominate the world, somehow.

Either everyone in the world has asian blood or just beat everyones asses until only asians are left.Someday everybody in the world will have asian blood in them no matter how small the amout. Theres China, India, Russia, Phillipines, Japan, Korea,Sri Lanka,Vietnam,Taiwan,Thailand, Singapore, Iraq,Isreal ( yes Jesus was Asian), and only so much more

<Chris.E> hey guys i just found out i'm asian!

<Nellwyn> But your white. white people can't be asian!

<Chris.E> Well my great grandfather was chinese so im 12% asian and besides im Lebanese so white people CAN be asian!

<Nellwyn> Fuck yo that's Asian Domination!

by xXNoobskiXx May 5, 2009

52👍 19👎