A nickname for someone who brings the perfect mix of drama, charm, and heartwarming moments into your life. K-drama is that friend who knows how to make you laugh with their quirky sense of humor, while also being the person you turn to for deep, meaningful conversations. They have an effortless way of turning the ordinary into something extraordinary, much like the stories they’re named after. Loyal, thoughtful, and full of surprises, K-drama is your go-to for comfort, chaos, and unfiltered honesty.
She is a K-drama okay — She's a vibe, an unforgettable presence, and a cherished connection
Person 1: “What is he doing?”
Person 2: “He’s such a Drama Turd”
A subgenre of film with a large variety of visuals and stories.
Wes Anderson makes the best Department Store Dramas.
\ kə-ˈla-t(ə-)rəl ˌ ˈdrä-mə , ˈdra-\ -- Anxieties induced by over exposure to the troubles, trials, and tribulations, incessantly retold by friends and co-workers.
Jobie was asked, by her manager, to work from home, as her personal life was causing too much collateral drama within the tightly knit cubical workspace.
Stutter drama queen a girl that is stupid and stutters all the time she is drama s9 don’t be friends with her and thinks she is the queen of England like bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bro JSUT don’t be firends with that GWORL
Stutter drama queen girl: h-h-hey di-did u know I’m th-th-the queen
You: girl shut up u stutter drama queen no one likes u
A person who is attracted to drama like a moth to a flame.
Jess: "Rob's brother's roommate's cousin won't stop posting about politics on his blog"
Becky: "Why don't you just stop reading his blog?"
Jess: "I know, but it's just not that easy."
Becky: "Yeah it is, you drama moth"