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the most foul being of all. she can be seen driving the kids to soccer practice in her SUV. she has the can i speak to your manager haircut. workplace managers fear her. when she is not driving the kids to soccer practice, dance class, or the spelling bee, she is usually at home on Facebook. she divorces her husband, takes the kids, is a pseudoscientist/anti-vaxxer/flat-earther, participates in MLMs and demands to speak to the manager. she firmly believes in the ESRB rating system, or her version of it. which is as follows: ec: 3-10, E and E10: 11 and up, T and M: not in this house. none of her kids are vaccinated and they are all homeschooled

in short, she is a fucking bitch

Mega-Karen is the most powerful evil entity

by Anonymous_user_69 February 11, 2020

16๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Necrotizing Karenitis

An acute disease which doesn't allow Karens to wear masks to public places, followed by chronic asking-to-see-the-manager to complain about their rights being infringed upon.

Symptoms may include:
Threatening to sue
Filming the scene on their phones
Posting video on social media
Flat-earth beliefs
MAGA hat-wearing

Calling cops on black folks for existing

Woman demands to speak to the manager after being denied entry to the supermarket without a protective mask during the Covid-19 outbreak, and threatens to sue, which indicates she's suffering from Stage IV Necrotizing Karenitis.

by Polyester.Specter May 21, 2020

23๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dirty Karen

The act of suing ones genitals when not satisfied with the sex/taste/juice of the one presented

Did you hear that Janet pulled a dirty karen on bob after she didn't like the taste of his cum?

by papa is daddy yessir June 21, 2020

78๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot karen

A hot karen is basically a female version of a hot carl,which has numerous different definitions almost all of which result in shitting in your girlfriends face

I was hungry for ass and when I went down on her she hot karened on me

by dog dink July 22, 2011

39๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

karen o

lead singer of the new york punk band the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Probably the coolest women on the planet-known for performing weird sexual acts with the microphone when performing live, and dressing up in ridiculous costumes, and drinking loads of booze.

guy 1: hey, did you see karen o at that concert last night
guy 2: No, why?
guy 1: because she got completely wasted and fell off the stage.

by admmad March 27, 2008

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Karen O

lead singer of the yeah yeah yeahs. an extroverted performer, a good lyricist, and a wearer of crazy stage get-ups. known for swilling beer and spitting it out at the audience.

we need more girls like karen o.

by cock123456789 January 1, 2006

353๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž

Karen flood

A boomer

Karen flood you are a boomer, said Jim

by Why S0 Seri0us December 15, 2019