you are one fine slobbering, mouth watering, pussy popping specimen
"your a mid goosey 😉"
when a young adult goes through a mid-life crisis
that is a mid-youth crisis
When something is mid teir or boring, it's mid sauce
Bro the ending to that show was so mid sauce
middle of video, usually the climax
Dude every time I watch Monster's Ball I fast forward mid-vid just to see Hallie Berry
very mid,weak, likes edwin, went out with john marc last night, does not give drugs to wealthy Makai and also she got knocked out in the first round in wii sports cause she is overrated.
hello Mid-L-Reese ur so mid tbh
The act of using a lag induced playstyle where a player will use a one hit kill ability (typically in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2) in a manor that uses lag to get the player with the said ability even after they have escaped from range.
I was in a game and got Mid Aired It was so frustrating.
Mid Airs are the worst they shouldn't be a thing!
I saw a guy get Mid Aired I felt so bad.