Source Code

Russet Potatoes

When an old man wears pants that are way too tight and you can see the outline of his junk, resembling russet potatoes, when he crouches or sits. This phenomenon is hard to look away from for some people, as they are baffled by the various shapes created. It's just one of those things that is so nasty that it's hard not to look.

Phil: Hi Eric! (Sits down next Eric)

Eric: Hi Phil, what's up? (Notices the outline of Phil's junk pressed down the side of his leg resembling russet potatoes)

Phil: Just working on my Jabiru. (Eric can't help but look again)

Eric: Oh, how's the work progressing? (Eric looks yet again!)

Phil: Good, I just need someone to weigh the final project for me. (Eric can't hold eye contact any longer, bewildered by why someone would wear pants so damn tight.)

Eric: I've gotta go study for a test. (Eric uses a lame excuse to escape the akward situation, but his eyes are scarred forever.)

by jimbo99 December 13, 2009

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Potato Pancakes


Jamie: Potato Pancakes! RIGHT NOW!

Marty: Hellz yeah, Bitch!

by FCR.com March 10, 2010

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Cunt Potato

A girl who is acting like a cunt and is from Ireland

Yeah shes hot but shes a total Cunt Potato

by mastodonPenis March 4, 2015

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Potato Head

a legitimate idiot. this person is a complete fatty that is a straight up unco at everything and can not do anything right.
a straight up sped who is pretty useless.

My brother is a potato head.

by LittleStoleYourMcNuggets March 25, 2019

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Space potato

Giant potato shaped pods found in half life 2: episode 2 that come from xen and attempt to consume eli.

OMG! Look at that massive space potato! It's eating eli! Oh no! Shame I can't shoot is, as this is a cutscene to make the game more dramatic!

by eiwets666 February 25, 2011

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bunk potatoes

when somthing dissapoints you and you need something to say

hey man i just got crabs from the asian hooker

man thats bunk potatoes

by tucker max April 24, 2007

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Papa Potato

The act of inserting one or more hot potatoes into someone anus. Usually being done after an abusive anal sex. Papa Potato should not be confused with Mama Potato, which is the act of inserting hot potatoes into a woman's vagina.

The Papa Potato maneuver was publicly unknown for a long period of time, until a recent rise in it's reputation. It is extremely popular in the middle east and Latin America, where it is frequently practiced near campfires in national holidays.

Also known as "Don Pataton" in Italy.

We gave John the Papa Potato at the campfire yesterday, now he can barely walk.

by George W Second May 16, 2007

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