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Something that should not be in minecraft

Bro,Diamonds!Bro,Oh my gosh,i u could make a pickaxe to get obsidian-oh shit shrek!

by Ps4 Name: Barce4life88 September 18, 2019


Are lord and savior, can also be used in place as shit.

Jim: Hey look at that fat cat!
Jack: Oh shrek that's a fat cat!
Jim: *dies*
Jack: *eats his body*

by HerpDerpPig June 25, 2019



shrek is god

by Shrek is lord May 15, 2023


Shrek is the godly figure the everyone idlesses, he is the god of creation.

Shrek is love, Shrek is life, Shrek is more iconic McDonald's (Oh Jesus Crist).

by Typed October 1, 2019


The most amazing and beautiful creature to ever exist. Hot. Sexy. Too perfect for this world. Also my future husband. Back off ladies he’s mine.

Female: Is that Shrek?
Me: Yeah back off hoe

by Donya Ren May 14, 2019


Shrek is the most beautiful ogre you'll ever see. His eyes that stare deep into yours will make your heart flutter as he takes your hand and gives you the date of a lifetime. Don't give up on Shrek, he's very closed up at first. But once he begins to relax and the layers start to peel, who knows, perhaps you'll find yourself in his swamp...

Girl: I feel like Shrek is finally warming up to me.
Girl2: Have you seen his swamp?

Girl: I've had a little peek...
Girl2: Oh my god, he's totally into you!

by shrek_worshipper October 23, 2019


Shrek day is a day where we appreate the sexiness of shrek,go wish ur friends happy shrek day.

Hey joe,happy shrek day!
Happy shrek day to you too mat!

by Grimstudios October 14, 2021