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Hot Space

a good album.

man I really love Hot Space

by giraffemoomoo April 19, 2019

Hot Wopper

The act of taking a large human shit in a dryer, and then turning the dryer on, ultimately ruining the dryer with steaming hot feces.

Bro, this house party is whack! Let’s drop a hot wopper and get the hell out of here.

by DannyGlover1 December 7, 2017

Hot as Undaboob

Used to describe the temperature that causes sweat to form and drip down from underneath a woman's breasts. Typically associated with high temperatures and women with large bosoms.

I can't believe the AC broke in the gym on the hottest day of the year - it's hot as undaboob in here!

by Sweaty Smith January 19, 2014

That is hot ass

Saying that something is terrible.

That is hot ass

by HelloKitty28 May 5, 2021

Hot Suck

The act in which a women or man performs oral sex after eating something very spicy.

Juan: Damn why were you screaming last night? Was she that crazy?
Jostin: Damn she was wild. Has me praying to god after she ate hot cheetos and started to do the Hot Suck

by JadedNox April 3, 2019

hot probably

when your answer is contingent on someone else's response

Him: Are you coming over for Easter ?

Me: I'll give it a hot probably depending on if Eliott is.

by Galois022 April 4, 2017

hot tower

When someone rubs their boner on you in a club.

I shoved billy away after he gave me a hot tower.

by prades December 22, 2008