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zombie tax

Complacency tax. A tax on anything which we all know is clearly bad for the environment or our health.

Zombie taxes are special taxes on things like tobacco. Taxes on plastic bottles. Taxes on processed food and soft drinks. Taxes on cars that get low mileage.

by irrealism September 25, 2012

Zombie Wrangler

A production assistant on a zombie film whose primary responsibility is to keep tabs on the zombie extras. The job is similar to that of an animal wrangler on a film set. Production assistant(s) charged with this responsibility should receive specific credit as Zombie Wranglers. Zombie Wranglers have been specifically credited at the conclusion of at least one zombie film, Zombie Bloodbath (1993).

He worked as a Zombie Wrangler in that film.

by Travelingmankc September 12, 2015

Zombie Journalism

Filler content/stories that relentlessly devour any new tidbit of information about a film or TV show regardless of whether any information was actually present, leading to a horde of similar stories about equally inane "details." Usually, these stories originate from Reddit fan-theories and end up being treated as news.

"Did you see that 500 word story about that 13 second Game of Thrones clip for the final season?"

"Yeah. They just mindlessly devoured that Reddit thread like a horde of zombies"

"Zombie journalism sucks!"

by mAnomie March 4, 2019

Zombie Gang

Zombie Gang (ZombG) is A subset of the Rollin 40s Crips (R40s) also known as the Rollin 40s Neighborhood Crips (R40NHC) Rollin Forties or Rollin Foe-Os, originated as an Haitian & African-American street gang located on the South East side of Fairfield, California. Zombie Gang were established in the 1990s, and are part of the Rollin O’s Crips and falls under the Neighborhood Crips (Rollin 40s Neighborhood Crips).

Zombie Gang dudes always dancings with their guns

by GangUnited.com November 18, 2022

Zombie Gang

Zombie Gang is a Rolling 40 subset and are allies of all Neighborhood Crips and the Raymond Avenue Crips as well as the Rollin 30s Harlem Crips. They fued with the Rollin 20s Neighborhood Bloods, Black P Stones, Rollin 40s Pirus, and all Los Angeles Brims Blood Gangs. Rival crip gangs include the 51 Trouble Gangster Crips, 5-Deuce Broadwy Gangster Crips out of Fairfield CA, 50s Gangster Crips out of Fairfield CA, and the School Yard Crips.

Zombie Gang hates anything with a 5 it’s crazy

by GangUnited.com November 18, 2022

The Zombie Zone

When you stay up all night and start to lose mental functions.

Bro.... Been awake 29 hours... I'm in the zombie zone.
Gotta sleep

by Phantom649 June 3, 2019

Zombie Mom

In the fucking thick of it.
The families ride or die.

Barely sane most days.

Loving the insanity.

Trying to raise good humans.

Foregoing our happiness for yours.

Giving up our passions and careers.

Doing our best.

Giving our most.
Embracing our limit.
Accepting the reward for our sacrifices.

My wife is zombie mom and I’m so
Proud to call her mine!

by AlyDean April 8, 2022