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The word you use when you have literally nothing / everything to say.

Random person: Dude, did you check out that new Metroid game?
You: Bruh.
Random person: Hey, did you see that guy throw their water bottle into a microwave?
You: Bruh.

by WhatTheDogDoin'? September 23, 2021


Mispronunciation of "bro".


by Ryan the Irish Kid July 9, 2015


Bruh can be used in anything a sentence or a paragraph

"hey, i got in trouble today"
"bruh how"

by progress1234567890 February 26, 2022


That one omg moment when nothing goes your way. Example: you spill red wine on your white nike air forces. You got yourself an instant BRUH moment😬

Sup bruh
What the heck bruh oh my god!!!

by Ok boomer check March 7, 2020


A word used adress a person. Similar to 'Brah' and 'Bro'.

Any South African Dude: Bruh, pass me the suip.

by 사실 April 16, 2017


bruh = bro + uh
Is used in a confuse moment or when you dont know what to say.

-Hey someone hacked my account! I think is because I gave the hacker the password!

by enderhacker January 25, 2022


Used to say that you dont like this situation or something is off.. Or to say this because you are mad at someone or something..

Bruh i suck dicks

by abhrx12 July 3, 2022