Whenever you ask a pregnant woman who is the father of her baby
James: Yo Mary, I see you're pregnant who done the dirty deed then?
Mary: Oh it was Mark
adj. A Sully is the person in your social circle who club bouncers are magnetically drawn to. A Sully's illicit activity in a club will always be detected, usually embarrassingly quickly, and will result in their being ejected, with lots of tut-tutting and slow head-shaking.
adverb. 'Doing a Sully,' 'He did a Sully;' the person in question was thrown out of the venue, having been caught with a wrap, spliff, cigarette etc.
"Oh mate, I was in the club, I'd been in there ten mins, went to the bog, opened a wrap and was just getting into it when, boom boom boom, bouncer hammering on the door. Yeh, I got thrown out." "Oh, you done a Sully yeh? Wanker."
The ultimate compliment which can be bestowed. Most appropriately used when serving looks to legendary children. Popularized by the television series Legendary and used liberally among YouTubers Peter Monn and Munoz (kinda).
Pam: Honey, that look is a ten out of ten.
You did what needed to be done.
In the California prison system when you break one of the rules within' your own car, you get broken off. The first couple of minor offenses result in you being broke off with an additional set of burpees on top of your daily mandatory set. Traditionally upon completion of your daily mandatory set of burpees you will sound off. Meaning you shout a cadence representing your particular group. That being said, when you break a rule that requires you to be broken off, nobody tells you what they think you did, there is no arguing your case. To save time, and breathe whoever is running things for your car just looks at you and says, "sound off when your done."
Inmate X - "I think I got lucky, nobody noticed my bunk wasn't rolled up until after 11:00."
Inmate with the llaves- "sound off when you're done."
Inmate X- "dang."
something you say when you say when you cannot taka a joke
"Hey! You're so dumb!"
- "Screw you! I'm done with you!"
"Bruh, it's just a joke,"
-"I'm so done with you!"
When you feel blessed by the hells finest devils to make your life shittier, and you totally chill about it.
I got rejected for a gipsy, but its fine, because im gonna be in my bed and im gonna cry for help, so thecnically, I'm done.