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glass hamburger treat

A large piece of ground beef with bits of a broken beer bottle glass mixed into it. This is used to kill dogs running around in your neighborhood without a leash because stupid neighbors don't want to obey leash laws. Make sure the pieces are small enough to go undetected by the dog.

I used a glass hamburger treat to kill my neighbor's dangerous pitbull. Take that!

by Tweedle January 21, 2008

38๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Glass-bottom boat

A sexual act that involves a person squatting and defecating on a glass table while another watches from below.

John paid the hooker for a glass-bottom boat but I had to clean it up.

by MeowMeow master March 12, 2010

64๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hoi Without Glasses

Another word for nudity. Derived from the Deity Hoi who is naked unless he is wearing his glasses.

OMGWTFBBQ this French movie has Hoi without glasses in it.

by Yaziyo August 18, 2006

12๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hash tinted glasses

Like rose tinted glasses, people remembering experiences as better than they actually were due to the influence of marijuana at the time of the experience.

Guy 1: the band at prom last night were so good
Guy 2: no they weren't, they sucked ass. You only enjoyed it because you were high.
Guy 1: man I must be looking back at it through hash tinted glasses

by Acb1998 August 22, 2015

Tall glass of STFU

The STFU frase is used to imply that you need to shut up because your actions or your words are biting you in the ass and making you look like a fool. The tall glass compares to a tall glass of beer/wine meaning a big amount. #calm down

Taylor Swift is announced at the 2009 VMA's.

Kanye rushes to the stage in the middle of her speech to let the world know that Beyonce has one of the best videos of all time.

Kanye, that was beyond rude, you look like an ass for doing that. You need to go back to your seat and drink a tall glass of STFU.

by InfinityPrincess19 December 17, 2018

Bent Glass Tube

Used to describe an action that is amazing on one hand and terrible on another. Mostly used in E-SPORTS.

Person 1: YO! Did you see that Caustic main take out 3 squads with just a P2020?
Person 2: Yeah but then he fell off the map looting one of them. A literal bent glass tube.

by AngryLarry July 12, 2019

year 6 glasses

What you wear as a granny after preschool glasses

You used to wear preschool glasses but now you wear year 6 glasses

by ๐Ÿ˜—โ€™s there September 26, 2018