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British people

People who for some reason hate Americans even though for the most part we don't really insult them or anything. They constantly bash Americans probably out of jealousy or because they all believe that we are gun-using, bush-supporting ignorant idiots (only half of us are). In reality they usually come off as the ignorant ones because rather than listen to people like myself they keep saying hateful things towards Americans. Gave us Christian Bale and The Office (thank you very much).

Americans: Why are British people so angry?

by Johnny D in MKE July 23, 2006

223πŸ‘ 252πŸ‘Ž

some people

usually if someone is doing something to annoy you or make you upset, so you could say some people.

My parents wouldn't stop harassing about losing my job, ugh some people.

by hansolo123 January 10, 2017

20πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

yt people

white people.

Anna: β€œyt people want to oppressed so bad.”
Tyler: β€œthey really be doing the most”
Anna: β€œfr”

by nice69 July 3, 2020

167πŸ‘ 190πŸ‘Ž

English people

A nation of people that are often Stereotyped. I am here today to give the facts behind the opinion.
A. Bad teeth- Well, er, okay, this one's true.
B. Overweight- Er, well, I guess this one's true too.
E. Posh accents- I personally have a posh accent, as I come from Oxford :) But there's many other accents; such as Cockney Geordie and Brummie.
F. Swear a lot- I don't know what the fuckinghell you're talking about!
G. Bad on Xbox live- Well, not a lot of English men or women even go on Xbox live. It's normally teens or children, who have not yet matured. It's kinda unfair to base the whole of England from these people, that all the English hate too.
H. Rude- Well, we're more sarcastic than rude.
I. Hate Americans- Actually, this one's not true. Most English people love the Americans, and it's just the small majority that go around on Xbox live slagging off the Americans. But they're not even considered as English people, they have their own race called 'chav'
K. Drink a lot of tea- Ok, I can't deny this one.

I hope that cleared some things up for you! Have a nice day, and cheerio!

Just go watch Charlieissocoollike or Nerimon to find out what English people are really like and get off your Xbox. The chavs are not people. They are witches and should be burnt at the stake.

by Murderburger April 17, 2011

74πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž

black people

as a black male reading some of the definitions about blacks on this site was very disturbing and highly offensive. I'm sure most of the people who wrote these definitions have gone solely on racial stereotypes and have not even been wronged by a black male or female. There are good and bad people of every race not just black people. education is not based on the color of your skin rather what you do with that knowledge. I'm sure if i went to any part of the world I would find an uneducated or person that eats fried chicken. I really hope one day people will change the way they look at black people. I really do.

other race: tch I bet all black people are sure to grow up and go to jail because they are all uneducated and commit crimes

black person: do you even know any black people?

other race: well...no but i hear from other people about them

black person: so what your saying is even though you have never met one, you have formed a stereotypical opinion about them

other race: yep because I'm ignorant and ready to put down an entire race of people because of what some guy told me

black person: well what if you were black and i was (other race) would you like it if I did that?

other race: hmm never thought of it that way

by aproudblackteen August 4, 2010

1719πŸ‘ 2189πŸ‘Ž

Fake People

Fake people are people who will act like your friend to your face but they talk about you behind your back.

"Yeah, I know. That girl is so fake. Tired of all these fake people.

by ZπŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜… February 28, 2019

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Goldfish people

A group of people that seem almost oblivious to there surrounding. They tend to have their feelings hurt easily and be comforted even easier.

"We get hurt easily and we resolve things easily... we're like goldfish people." -Gillian Jacobs interview with E!online about the characters of Community.

by OneTroubledSpoon February 25, 2012

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž